qiime2 / q2-types

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PHRED64 variants of Multiplexed*EndBarcodeInSequence

colinbrislawn opened this issue · comments

Improvement Description
Allow users to import a PHRED 64 variant of the MultiplexedSingleEndBarcodeInSequence/MultiplexedSPairedEndBarcodeInSequence.

form xpost

Thanks @colinbrislawn! I transferred this issue over to q2-types, since the problem is actually with the format, and not with q2-cutadapt (cutadapt doesn't look at the quality scores when doing nucleotide pattern matching, which is all that we have exposed in q2-cutadapt at present). I think supporting a PHRED64 variant of the formats listed above would make sense, and would probably work similarly to how the PHRED64 manifests work (by converting PHRED offset on import).