qedrakmar / dnd5gen-go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Outline for my own sake:

Generate Character

  • 4d6, drop the lowest

    • 6 times, ?into an array?
  • Random Class

    • weighted?
    • Archetype information
  • Sort attributes according to class/archetype

    • Call class as a function, based on random class
  • Random race/subrace

    • Modify attributes (base + racial)
    • Age, height, weight
  • Generate skills

    • N from class list
    • X from all remaining, if ?human?
  • Alignment with ?class-based? weighting

  • Combat block

    • Str
    • Dex
    • HP
    • Weapon/armor skills
    • Random weapon and armor?
  • Magic

  • Random name generator

  • Personality quirks

  • Backgrounds

Show Character as a web page
