qdrant / qdrant-stars-handbook

The primary goal of Qdrant Stars is to recognize, reward, and support our most active and helpful users making significant contributions to the vector search community. The Qdrant Stars Handbook is your go-to resource for navigating the Stars program and how to take the most advantage of it.

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Qdrant Stars Handbook

  1. Program Overview
  2. Benefits
  3. Supported Activities
  4. Most Active Member Reward
  5. Get Started
  6. Submitting Expenses
  7. Community Events
  8. Helpful Resources

Program Overview

Qdrant Stars is a recognition program designed for the most engaged members of our community. It supports those who actively contribute through discussions, create informative content, and lead educational events.

As a Qdrant Star, you'll be equipped with exclusive resources, training, and direct access to our development team, enabling you to effectively communicate your expertise, share your passion for vector search technology, and inspire others to explore its possibilities.

Your contributions will be amplified, celebrated, and essential in shaping the future direction of the Qdrant ecosystem.

It's not about how much you do, it's about the impact. We track how your activities help the community grow, so we can support you in the best way possible.


Great contributions takes time, passion and dedication. To show our sincere appreciation and celebrate those who consistently make a remarkable impact, we've built a content reward program.

Content Rewards Program

Creator of the Month:

The Creator of the Month celebrates the Qdrant Star who created the most impact with their content in the community. Every month, we highlight the top content creator across all our channels, celebrating their impactful contributions to the community. The top creator each month receives an exclusive package of Qdrant merchandise and a $500 reward to honor their work.

Criteria for Selection:

  • Quality of Content: Your work should be well-researched, clear, and up to our high standards.
  • Innovation and Creativity: We love content that brings new ideas or creative approaches to common topics.
  • Community Impact: Your content should get people talking. We’re looking for pieces that generate views, shares, and positive feedback.
  • Consistency: Keep the great content coming! Regular contributors that engage and educate our community will have a higher chance of winning.

Additional Incentives:

  • Awards are handed out for 'Most Innovative Content', 'Best Tutorial', and 'Community Favorite', among others. Each category recognizes a different kind of excellence by the end of each quarter.
  • Creators can earn additional rewards including bonuses, gift cards, substantial discounts on technology products, and free passes to the top industry conferences. All these perks are our way of recognizing your ongoing efforts and creativity.

Exclusive Access to Resources

  • Early Access: Get early access to new features and beta products from Qdrant, allowing you to be among the first to explore and write about our latest developments.
  • Feedback Loop: Your insights are invaluable, and we use them to improve our offerings continually. Your feedback on new features helps us shape the future of our technology.

Conference Support for Speakers

We encourage all Qdrant ambassadors to speak at conferences. It's a great way to promote our technology, build your professional reputation, and connect with others in the tech community.

Choosing a Conference:

  • Global Opportunities: If you're interested in traveling abroad, aim for well-known conferences that attract industry leaders and influencers. This will maximize your visibility and expand your networking opportunities.
  • Local Engagement: We also strongly support speaking at major conferences within your own country to strengthen local connections and boost our presence nearby.

Need help deciding which conferences to attend? Talk to our team or to your peers on the Qdrant Stars Discord Channel for insights into which events might offer the most benefit based on your expertise.

We offer resources to help you prepare impactful presentations. From presentation templates and slides from past talks to essential Qdrant talking points. Plus, enjoy a one-on-one coaching session to polish your presentation with our DevRel team.

Before the event, you can schedule a rehearsal with our team to run through your talk. You’ll receive constructive feedback to fine-tune your performance, ensuring you deliver your message confidently and effectively.

We supply a range of promotional materials, such as stickers, Qdrant cards, and branded swag, to help you engage your audience and leave a mark. After your trip, submit all receipts along with a travel expense report to get reimbursed.

Getting Certified

Certification is an exclusive perk of the Qdrant Stars Program that recognizes your readiness and capability to act as a Qdrant ambassador and vector search specialist. To receive your certificate, you need to have completed the following steps at the end of each quarter:

  1. Complete All Training Modules: Ensure you have gone through all the training sessions provided by the Qdrant team and understand the material covered.
  2. Pass the Certification Test: At the end of the training period, you will take a test that covers all aspects of the training materials. This test ensures you have the necessary knowledge to effectively represent Qdrant.
  3. Engagement Verification: As part of your training's practical application, participate in at least one community activity (such as a meetup or webinar).

Test Details

  • Format: Multiple choice and short answers.
  • Duration: The test will typically take about 30-60 minutes to complete.
  • Passing Criteria: A score of 75% or higher is required to pass.

To ensure you also stay updated with the latest in vector search technology and community management, we will provide ongoing training opportunities. These will include updates on new tools, advanced communication strategies, and emerging trends in the tech community.

Supported Activities

Content Creation

Content is a crucial aspect of the Qdrant Stars program. These publications can be in the format of articles, blogs, tutorials, examples, or demos. So we go out of our way to maximize the impact of your contributions and enable you to create content that highlights the power and versatility of vector search technology in your own style.

Editorial and Technical Support

  • Editorial Assistance: Our editorial team is ready to help you refine your written content. We ensure your work is clear, engaging, and grammatically correct so your ideas stand out.
  • Technical Review: Rely on our experts to review your content for technical accuracy. Are you writing an in-depth article or tutorial that explores the complexities of vector search? Double-check it to ensure that your insights are both accurate and informative.

Promotional Support:

  • Increased Visibility: We actively promote your content across Qdrant’s official channels, including social media, newsletters, and our website, to help you reach a wider audience.
  • SEO and Social Media Optimization: Our marketing team will assist you in optimizing your content for search engines and social media to maximize its reach and impact.

Community Collaboration:

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other content creators and industry experts in our network. Share ideas, receive feedback, and collaborate on exciting new projects.
  • Collaboration Platform: You can use the Discord Channel with the other Qdrant Stars to discuss challenges, exchange ideas, and support each other’s content creation efforts.

Meetups and Workshops

Meetups and workshops are fantastic ways to engage with the community and share knowledge about vector search technology. In this section, you will find everything you need to organize such events, from planning to execution, including format ideas, promotion strategies, managing expenses, and measuring success.

Event Format Ideas

Choosing the right format is crucial for the success of any event. Here are some engaging formats that can help make your Qdrant event a standout success:

  • Workshops: Conduct hands-on sessions where participants can learn specific skills related to Qdrant. These practical learning experiences are designed to enhance proficiency and confidence in using our tools.
  • Bootcamps: Offer intensive, immersive bootcamps designed to provide deep dives into specific aspects of vector search technology. These events are perfect for attendees looking to rapidly enhance their skills and knowledge over a few days of focused training.
  • Hackathons: Organize hackathons to challenge participants to create innovative solutions using Qdrant’s technology. These events not only foster creativity and problem-solving but also allow participants to demonstrate practical applications of their skills in a competitive and collaborative setting.
  • Panel Discussions: Go into current trends or challenges in the vector search field with a panel of experts. Great for lively discussions and insights directly from industry leaders. Do you have a panel discussion idea? Why not host it on Vector Voices?

Promotion Support:

You're not alone in promoting your events. We are here to provide support to ensure that your initiatives gain the visibility and reach they deserve. Our promotional support includes:

  • Amplification on Social Media: We'll feature your event on all of Qdrant's official social media platforms, helping you reach a wider audience quickly and effectively.
  • Monthly Newsletter Feature: Your event will be highlighted in Qdrant’s monthly newsletter, ensuring it reaches enthusiastic community members who are eager to learn and participate.
  • Local Partnerships: We will help you partner with local tech groups to extend your event’s reach. This can draw in diverse participants and provide access to additional resources such as speakers, venues, and further promotional support.
  • Network Leverage for Sponsorships: Utilize our extensive network to secure additional sponsorships or partnerships, adding significant value to your event and enhancing the experience for all attendees.

Engagement and Leadership

  • Initiate and Participate in Discussions: Engage actively in both online and offline community forums, sparking conversations and providing valuable insights on vector search technology.
  • Interact with Qdrant Content: From our team, from other Stars, or from other community members, it’s important to foster a culture of supporting each other content and increasing the visibility of our creators.
  • Welcome New Members: Act as a knowledgeable point of contact for newcomers, helping them find resources and get involved.

Most Active Member Reward

The Most Active Member Reward recognizes and celebrates the Qdrant Star who consistently engaged the most within our community, adding value through their involvement in Qdrant’s shared content, social media, and online discussions. Every month, the most active member is chosen to receive an exclusive package of Qdrant merchandise and a $500 reward to honor their time and insights.

Criteria for Selection

  • Participation Frequency: Regular involvement in community forums such as Reddit or HackerNews, as well as discussions and events.
  • Quality Contributions: Provides helpful responses, creates high-quality content, or initiates new discussions.

Get Started

Qdrant Stars are passionate advocates and leaders in the vector search community. Each member brings unique expertise and contributes significantly to advancing and improving vector search technology. To learn more about each of our Stars and their contributions, please visit Qdrant Stars Member Page on our website.

Qdrant Stars Application Process

Joining the Qdrant Stars requires:

  • Submission of an Application: Prospective members must submit an application detailing their experience with vector search technologies and their vision for contributing to the community. If you wish to become a member, please fill out the Qdrant Stars Application Form.
  • Review Process: Our panel reviews applications monthly, focusing on the applicant’s expertise, community engagement, and potential to influence the field.
  • Interview: Candidates are invited for a virtual interview to discuss their goals and ask any additional questions about the program.

Communication with Other Stars

We keep all Qdrant Stars informed with monthly newsletters and instant updates via our exclusive Stars Discord channel. We also conduct bi-monthly feedback sessions to gather insights from Stars on how we can improve the program and bi-monthly hangout meetings where Stars can network, share ideas, and discuss their projects in a supportive environment.

These meetings are an opportunity to share updates, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. They also serve as a place for you to connect with other Stars and learn from each other. Participation is highly encouraged and you will receive an invitation with the agenda and virtual meeting link prior to each meeting.

Nominate a Qdrant Star

We love it when our community helps us grow by identifying new talent! If you know someone who’s passionate about vector search technology and could make a significant contribution as a Qdrant Star, we want to hear about them.

How to Nominate:

Please complete this nomination form to tell us about your nominee. The form will ask for some basic details about the candidate and why you think they’d be a perfect addition to the Qdrant Stars.

Stars Discord Channel

We have set up a private dedicated Discord channel for all Qdrant Stars. This channel is your exclusive access for daily interactions, support, and sharing. Use the Discord server to ask questions, seek advice, share your successes, and discuss topics related to Qdrant technology with your fellow ambassadors and the Qdrant team.

Need access to the channel? Contact the program manager with your Discord username for the necessary permissions.

Reporting and Feedback

Help us enhance the program by reporting your activities and providing feedback on what worked well, what could be improved, and any suggestions you may have.

Monthly Activity Reporting

Each month, you'll receive an email with a link to a form to report your activities, including:

  • Events you've organized or participated in
  • Content you've created
  • Engagements within the community
  • Any challenges you faced
  • Suggestions for improving the program

Fill out the quick monthly activity form to share details about your contributions. This information helps us understand your impact and provide even better support.

Quarterly Surveys

Every quarter, we'll send you a quick email survey to gather your feedback on the Qdrant Stars program. Share your thoughts on the support you receive, the resources available, and your overall experience. Your input helps us keep improving!

Submitting Expenses

Effectively managing budgets is key for various activities such as conferences, events, and training sessions. Here are the steps to ensure you handle your reimbursement:

  • Outline all costs: Specify the activity— could be a conference, a local meetup, or other. Include expenses for the catering, materials, or any travel requirements, and send it for pre-approval to stars@qdrant.com.
  • Keep Track: Once your budget is approved, you can proceed with authorized spending. Remember to retain all receipts for your purchases. When seeking reimbursement, submit your receipts along with a completed expense report to the same email.
  • Exceeding Budget: If your expenses exceed the pre-approved budget, you must submit a revised budget detailing the additional costs for re-approval before making further commitments. This helps maintain financial control and ensures all expenditures are justified and authorized.

Talk to Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your budget or expenses, just reach out. We’re here to help.

Community events

Community events bring together people who are enthusiastic about vector search technology to learn from each other, share experiences, and collaborate. Joining these events can help you learn more about the latest in vector search technology, meet experts and peers, and share your own ideas and questions. Here’s what we have lined up:

Vector Space Talks

Be a spotlight speaker! These talks are about user advocacy, highlighting the real-world impact of Qdrant's vector search technology through your stories and experiences.

Curious about past talks? Check out our playlist of previous Vector Space Talks to see how others have successfully leveraged our technology.

Vector Voices

This Twitter Spaces series is your chance to connect with the who's who of vector search! We'll be talking to leading voices in vector search for insightful conversations you won't want to miss. Join us for the next Vector Voices session! Check out our schedule on the Discord events page or follow us on Twitter to catch live sessions and participate

Are you interested in leading or suggesting a Vector Voices session or have a potential speaker suggestion? Reach out to us via the Discord Channel. We’re always looking for new ideas and leaders to bring fresh perspectives to our community.

Discord Office Hours

No presentations, just conversations. Got questions about vector search or need some quick advice on your projects? Our Discord Office Hours are the place to be. It's your opportunity to chat directly with the Qdrant team and other community experts in a relaxed setting.

Keep an eye on our Discord channel for announcements about upcoming Office Hours. It’s a great way to stay connected, get support, and contribute your own ideas.

If there's something on your mind that you think deserves a spotlight during Office Hours, shoot us a message. We’re all ears and always looking for ways to address what matters most to our community.

Helpful Resources

We’ve compiled a list of essential resources. These articles, videos, and courses are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and practical applications to get started with Qdrant:




Feel free to explore these links and share your learnings with the community!


The primary goal of Qdrant Stars is to recognize, reward, and support our most active and helpful users making significant contributions to the vector search community. The Qdrant Stars Handbook is your go-to resource for navigating the Stars program and how to take the most advantage of it.
