pyropotato / avr-scripts

bash script to make compilation and upload to avr boards using using USBasp programmers on LInux easy.

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avr compilation and upload scripts

bash script to make compilation and upload to avr boards using using USBasp programmers on LInux easy.

Steps to follow:


  1. In the compile script change the -mmcu=atmega16 to the microcontroller used.
  2. Make sure the script is in the same folder as your c program.
  3. In your terminal use cd to navigate to the folder containing the c program.
  4. Execute:
    sudo bash ./compile_script program_name.c
    Replace program_name suitably.


  1. In the upload_script change the -p m16 to your microcontroller.
  2. Execute:
    sudo bash ./upload_script program_name


bash script to make compilation and upload to avr boards using using USBasp programmers on LInux easy.