pyrenees / plone.rfc822

provides primitives for turning content objects described by ``zope.schema`` fields into RFC (2)822 style messages

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This package provides primitives for turning content objects described by zope.schema fields into RFC (2)822 style messages, as managed by the Python standard library's email module.

It consists of:

  • A marker interface IPrimaryField which can be used to indicate the primary field of a schema. The primary field will be used as the message body.
  • An interface IFieldMarshaler which describes marshalers that convert to and from strings suitable for encoding into an RFC 2822 style message. These are adapters on (context, field), where context is the content object and field is the schema field instance.
  • Default implementations of IFieldMarshaler for the standard fields in the zope.schema package.
  • Helper methods to construct messages from one or more schemata or a list of fields, and to parse a message and update a context object accordingly.

The helper methods are described by plone.rfc822.interfaces.IMessageAPI, and are importable directly from the plone.rfc822 package:

def constructMessageFromSchema(context, schema, charset='utf-8'):
    """Convenience method which calls ``constructMessage()`` with all the
    fields, in order, of the given schema interface

def constructMessageFromSchemata(context, schemata, charset='utf-8'):
    """Convenience method which calls ``constructMessage()`` with all the
    fields, in order, of all the given schemata (a sequence of schema

def constructMessage(context, fields, charset='utf-8'):
    """Helper method to construct a message.

    ``context`` is a content object.

    ``fields`` is a sequence of (name, field) pairs for the fields which make
    up the message. This can be obtained from zope.schema.getFieldsInOrder,
    for example.

    ``charset`` is the message charset.

    The message body will be constructed from the primary field, i.e. the
    field which is marked with ``IPrimaryField``. If no such field exists,
    the message will have no body. If multiple fields exist, the message will
    be a multipart message. Otherwise, it will contain a scalar string

    A field will be ignored if ``(context, field)`` cannot be multi-adapted
    to ``IFieldMarshaler``, or if the ``marshal()`` method returns None.

def renderMessage(message, mangleFromHeader=False):
    """Render a message to a string

def initializeObjectFromSchema(context, schema, message, defaultCharset='utf-8'):
    """Convenience method which calls ``initializeObject()`` with all the
    fields, in order, of the given schema interface

def initializeObjectFromSchemata(context, schemata, message, defaultCharset='utf-8'):
    """Convenience method which calls ``initializeObject()`` with all the
    fields in order, of all the given schemata (a sequence of schema

def initializeObject(context, fields, message, defaultCharset='utf-8'):
    """Initialise an object from a message.

    ``context`` is the content object to initialise.

    ``fields`` is a sequence of (name, field) pairs for the fields which make
    up the message. This can be obtained from zope.schema.getFieldsInOrder,
    for example.

    ``message`` is a ``Message`` object.

    ``defaultCharset`` is the default character set to use.

    If the message is a multipart message, the primary fields will be read
    in order.

The message format used adheres to the following rules:

  • All non-primary fields are represented as headers. The header name is taken from the field name, and the value is an encoded string as returned by the marshal() method of the appropriate IFieldMarshal multi-adapter.
  • If no IFieldMarshaler adapter can be found, the header is ignored.
  • Similarly, if no fields are found for a given header when parsing a message, the header is ignored.
  • If there is a single primary field, the message has a string payload, which is the marshalled value of the primary field. In this case, the Content-Type header of the message will be obtained from the primary field's marshaler.
  • If there are multiple primary fields, each is encoded into its own message, each with its own Content-Type header. The outer message will have a content type of multipart/mixed and headers for other fields.
  • A ValueError error is raised if a message is being parsed which has more or fewer parts than there are primary fields.
  • Duplicate field names are allowed, and will be encoded as duplicate headers. When parsing a message, there needs to be one field per header. That is, if a message contains two headers with the name 'foo', the list of field name/ instance pairs passed to the initializeObject() method should contain two pairs with the name 'foo'. The first field will be used for the first header value, the second field will be used for the second header value. If a third 'foo' header appears, it will be ignored.
  • Since message headers are always lowercase, field names will be matched case-insensitively when parsing a message.

Supermodel handler

If plone.supermodel is installed, this package will register a namespace handler for the marshal namespace, with the URI This can be used to mark a field as the primary field:

<model xmlns=""
        <field type="zope.schema.Text" name="test" marshal:primary="true">
            <title>Test field</title>

plone.supermodel may be installed as a dependency using the extra [supermodel], but this is probably only useful for running the tests. If the package is not installed, the handler will not be ignored.

License note

This package is released under the BSD license. Contributors, please do not add dependencies on GPL code.


provides primitives for turning content objects described by ``zope.schema`` fields into RFC (2)822 style messages


Language:Python 100.0%