pydevsg / Bank-Filter-App

Web application to search and list all the banks around multiple cities in India

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.compydevsg/Bank-Filter-AppRepository from Github https://github.compydevsg/Bank-Filter-App

Web application to search and list all the banks around multiple cities in India Deploy



Steps to run this project locally

  • Fork this repo

  • cd Bank-Filter-App/

  • npm install

  • Run the project : npm start


  • AutoCompleteText.js : Search Box eventually acts as a Search Engine to search any details related to banks from cities (currently BANGALORE,CHENNAI,DELHI, KOLKATA,MUMBAI, PATNA, INDORE)

  • DataTable.js : To fetch all the data from the API in table format.

  • DropDown.js : To create the Dropdown button in our web application.


  • ⭐ my project if you like it.
  • Thanks to all the contributors 👏 ✌️
  • Please add your name in the Contributors Page if you have contributed in this repo 🙌

Author : Sudipto Ghosh


Web application to search and list all the banks around multiple cities in India


Language:JavaScript 67.7%Language:CSS 29.4%Language:HTML 2.9%