pycoder2000 / Pytest

Repository to practice the Pytest Module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pytest identifies files whose names start with test_ or ending with _test as the test files.

Pytest identifies functions whose names are starting with test as test functions.

  • Normal Command Test

  • Verbose Command Test (To understand the failed tests better)

    pytest -v
  • To print log messages to console

    pytest -sv
  • Run multiple tests

    pytest -v
  • Test with substring

    pytest -k 'fun' -v
  • Test with multiple substring

    pytest -k 'fun or sum' -v
    pytest -k 'fun and sum' -v
    pytest -k 'not fun' -v
  • Test with Markers

    import pytest
    def func():
    pytest -m 'fun' -v


    • Both Markers and Substrings are used to run group selective tests.
    • If we are willing to change the name of the tests then we can use -k <substring>.
    • If not then we can use markers as -m.

  • Test with Fixtures

    import pytest
    def func():
        i =20
        return i
    pytest -k 'sum' -v

    Fixture Scope

    • function: the default scope, the fixture is destroyed at the end of the test.
    • class: the fixture is destroyed during teardown of the last test in the class.
    • module: the fixture is destroyed during teardown of the last test in the module.
    • package: the fixture is destroyed during teardown of the last test in the package.
    • session: the fixture is destroyed at the end of the test session.

    Also we can autouse = True if we want to run the fixture before every test.


    • Fixture has scope only within a test file where it is defined.
    • To make a fixture available to multiple test files, we have to define the fixture function in a file called
    • Pytest will look for the fixture function in the test file and if not found it will look in the file.

  • Test with Parametrize

    import pytest
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected",[(1,2),(3,4)])
    def func(input,expected):
        assert input + 1 == expected
    pytest -k 'sum' -v
  • Skip Tests

    import pytest
    @pytest.mark.skip("This is a reason for skipping the test")
    def func():

    We can also provide conditions to skip the test.

    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition,reason = "This is a reason for skipping the test")
    pytest -sv
  • xfail Tests

    import pytest
    def func():
    pytest -sv


    • There are used in cases where the test cases are not relevant for a specific period of time.
    • The xfail tests will be executed, but will not counted as failed or passed tests.

  • Stopping file after n fails

    If N number of test fails then pytest stops the execution

    pytest -v --maxfail 3
  • Running pytest in parallel

    pip install pytest-xdist

    To run the tests in parallel

    pytest -n 2

    Here -n specifices the number of workers to run the tests.

    To view the logs add sys.stdout = sys.stderr at the top of the file.

  • Save pytest results To get results in XML format, we have to use

    pytest --junitxml="results.xml"

    To get results in HTML format, we have to use

    pip install pytest-html
    pytest --html="results.html"


Repository to practice the Pytest Module


Language:Python 100.0%