pyapp-kit / superqt

Missing widgets and components for Qt-python

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.compyapp-kit/superqtRepository from Github https://github.compyapp-kit/superqt

tiny superqt!

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"missing" widgets and components for PyQt/PySide

This repository aims to provide high-quality community-contributed Qt widgets and components for PyQt & PySide that are not provided in the native QtWidgets module.

Components are tested on:

  • macOS, Windows, & Linux
  • Python 3.9 and above
  • PyQt5 (5.11 and above) & PyQt6
  • PySide2 (5.11 and above) & PySide6


Documentation is available at


superqt provides a variety of widgets that are not included in the native QtWidgets module, including multihandle (range) sliders, comboboxes, and more.

See the widgets documentation for a full list of widgets.

range sliders

range sliders

range sliders


superqt includes a number of utilities for working with Qt, including:

See the utilities documentation for a full list of utilities.


We welcome contributions!

Please see the Contributing Guide


Missing widgets and components for Qt-python

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%