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List of reference,algorithms, applications in SSL in RS (contribution are welcome)

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Awesome-Self-Supervised-Learning-for-Remote-Sensing Awesome

List of reference,algorithms, applications in SSL in RS (contribution are welcome)

Table of Contents


SSL in Computer Vision (CV):

  • Supervised learning requires expensive manual labeling and is susceptible to errors and attacks.
  • Deep neural networks rely heavily on the size and quality of training data, limiting their applicability in real-world scenarios.
  • SSL is a promising alternative that is data efficient and enhances generalization capabilities.

SSL in Remote Sensing (RS):

  • Machine/deep learning requires a large amount of training data, which is available in open-access Earth observation.
  • Annotating such data is time-consuming and frequently updated, making it difficult to generate perfect labels.
  • Pre-training models in transfer learning have become popular for downstream tasks with insufficient labels.
  • SSL bridges the gap between a lack of quality labels and increasing amounts of remote sensing data by utilizing unlabeled data to learn valuable information.

Literature Review

Trend in SSL

Year Title Cite Link
2020 Self-supervised Visual Feature Learning with Deep Neural Networks: A Survey 510 [1]
2020 Self-Supervised Learning: Generative or Contrastive 577 [3]
2021 Review on self-supervised image recognition using deep neural networks 46 [2]

Trend in SSL-Remote Senisng Based

Year Title Cited Link
2022 Self-Supervised Learning in Remote Sensing: A review 28 1
2022 Self-supervised remote sensing feature learning 1 2
2022 Self-Supervised Learning for Scene Classification in Remote Sensing: Current State of the Art and Perspectives 0 3

Basic Concept

A typical self-supervised learning (SSL) framework is based on:

specific pretext task, which is designed to learn useful representations of input data without explicit labels. The pretext task defines the training objective of the SSL framework and can take various forms, such as predicting the relative position of two patches from the same image or predicting the rotation angle of an image.

Architecture: the SSL framework can use any architecture to implement the model. Like Residual, transformer etc,.

SSL Technology: To optimize the model, SSL frameworks use a variety of technologies and loss functions, including negative sampling, memory banks, contrastive learning, and augmentation strategies. These technologies are designed to reduce overfitting, improve the quality of learned representations, and make the learning process more efficient.

With all the background, we can define SSL is :

  1. Utilize advanced SSL Technology to train specific Backbone Network Architecture by fitting them to the given Pretext.
  2. Utilize the trained architectures as pre-trained models for downstream tasks.

Current Challengings

Challenges of SSL in Computer Vision:

Challenge Description
Early degradation of contrastive learning methods While methods like MoCo and SimCLR are approaching supervised learning performance in computer vision, their performance is typically limited to classification problems.
Transfer to downstream tasks There is an inherent gap between pre-training and downstream tasks, and the process of choosing proxy tasks for pre-training may be heuristic and tricky.
Model collapse Model collapse is a major challenge in SSL, especially for modern contrastive learning methods.
Proxy tasks and data augmentation Proxy tasks and data augmentation play a crucial role in SSL, but more research is needed to better understand which ones are useful for different types of remote sensing data.

Challenges of SSL in Remote Sensing:

Challenge Description
Model collapse Model collapse is a major challenge in SSL, and more research is needed to understand the underlying theory of self-supervised representation learning.
Proxy tasks and data augmentation More research is needed to explore which proxy tasks and data augmentation techniques are useful for different types of remote sensing data.
Pre-training datasets Most existing remote sensing datasets are used for supervised learning, and there is a need to explore the use of large-scale unlabeled datasets for self-supervised pre-training.
Multi-modal/time self-supervised learning More research is needed to balance different modalities or timestamps to allow models to learn good representations.
Efficient computation of SSL More research is needed to explore efficient data compression, loading, model design, and hardware acceleration to reduce the computational cost of SSL.
Network backbone While most existing SSL methods use ResNet as their backbone, ViT has shown promising results in SSL and is worth exploring for remote sensing images.
Task-oriented weakly supervised learning SSL not only provides pre-trained models for downstream tasks but also has the potential to bring representation learning online for weakly supervised learning.


A typical self-supervised learning (SSL) framework is based on:

specific pretext task, which is designed to learn useful representations of input data without explicit labels. The pretext task defines the training objective of the SSL framework and can take various forms, such as predicting the relative position of two patches from the same image or predicting the rotation angle of an image.

Architecture: the SSL framework can use any architecture to implement the model. Like Residual, transformer etc,.

SSL Technology: To optimize the model, SSL frameworks use a variety of technologies and loss functions, including negative sampling, memory banks, contrastive learning, and augmentation strategies. These technologies are designed to reduce overfitting, improve the quality of learned representations, and make the learning process more efficient.


A typical self-supervised learning (SSL) framework is based on a specific pretext task, which is designed to learn useful representations of input data without explicit labels. The pretext task defines the training objective of the SSL framework and can take various forms, such as predicting the relative position of two patches from the same image or predicting the rotation angle of an image.


Category Pretext Task Type Explanation Model Examples
AE Next pixel prediction Predict the next pixel in an image based on context information. Denoising Autoencoder, Denoising VAE
Image reconstruction Reconstruct the whole image from parts or low-quality versions of the image. NICE, RealNVP, Glow, VQ-VAE 2
Variational Inference Encodes the input to a normal distribution, enabling generation of new samples with the same distribution. Variational Autoencoder (VAE), IWAE, VQ-VAE


Category Pretext Task Type Explanation Model Examples
Spatial Relative position prediction Predict the relative position of different parts of an image based on their spatial relationships. RelativePosition, DeepInfomax, CPC, Rotation-based Relative Position, Context-Aware Correspondence Network, Paired Similarity Comparison (PSC)
Jigsaw + Inpainting + Colorization Solve jigsaw puzzles, inpaint missing parts of an image, and colorize grayscale images by learning their context relationships. CDJP, DeepFillv2, Context Encoders, Colorization, PatchGan, Semantic Inpainting, Complementary Spatial Feature Imagination (CSFI), JigCA
Instance discrimination Distinguish between different instances of the same object class by learning their unique features. InstDisc, CMC, MoCo, SimCLR, BYOL, SimSiam, Deep InfoMax, Contrastive Multiview Coding (CMC), Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL), Local Aggregation for Unsupervised Learning (LAUL)
Spectral Colorization Colorize grayscale images by learning the relationship between color channels and luminance information. Colorization, Linearly Scalable Colorization, Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation (MUNIT), Semantic Colorization, Multi-Scale Style Attentional Generative Adversarial Network (MSGAN)
Temporal Frame order prediction Predict the order of frame sequences or video frames based on their temporal relationships. Temporal Order Prediction (TOP), SlowFast, Sequence Memory, Time-contrastive Network (TCN), Learning Correspondence from the Cycle-consistency of Time, Pointing to Objects (POINet)
Modal Modal Prediction Learn representations by encouraging anchor and positive images taken from simultaneous viewpoints or modalities to be close in the embedding space, while distant from negative images taken from different modal data Siamese, Audio-Visual Correspondence (AVC), Cross-modal Contrastive Learning (CCL), AudioCLIP, Vision-and-Sound-Driven Attention (ViSDA)


Pretext Task Type Explanation Model Examples
Image reconstruction Generate realistic images from a latent space by learning the mapping between the latent space and the image space. GAN, Adversarial AE
Image colorization Generate realistic color images from grayscale images by learning the relationship between color channels and luminance information. Colorization GAN
Image inpainting Fill in missing parts of an image with realistic content by learning the context relationships between different parts of the image. Inpainting GAN
Image super-resolution Generate high-resolution images from low-resolution images by learning the relationship between low-resolution and high-resolution image details. Super-resolution GAN

Backbone Network Architecture

Once the pretext task is defined, the SSL framework can use any architecture to implement the model. In recent years, transformer-based architectures have become popular in SSL due to their ability to model long-range dependencies and capture complex relationships between input examples.

Year Architectures Reference Advantage
2012 AlexNet [1] First deep CNN architecture to achieve state-of-the-art results on ImageNet classification.
2014 VGG [2] Simpler architecture than previous models, with uniform filter sizes and deep layers.
2014 GoogLeNet [3] Introduces "Inception" modules, which can process multiple filter sizes in parallel.
2015 ResNet [4] Addresses the vanishing gradient problem by using skip connections.
2016 DenseNet [5] Dense connections between layers allow for more efficient use of parameters.
2017 Transformer [6] First architecture to use self-attention to process sequences, achieving state-of-the-art results in natural language processing tasks.


To optimize the model, SSL frameworks use a variety of technologies and loss functions, including negative sampling, memory banks, contrastive learning, and augmentation strategies. These technologies are designed to reduce overfitting, improve the quality of learned representations, and make the learning process more efficient.

Stages Focus Solved what problem Explanation Model
Loss Function Redundancy Reduction Overfitting Reduces the redundancy in the learned features SimCLR, MoCo, BYOL, SwAV
Memory Bank Positive-Negative Pairing Stores representations of previous batches for sampling negative examples MoCo, DINO
Sampling Negative Sampling Overfitting Helps the model distinguish between related and unrelated examples SimCLR, MoCo, BYOL
Unbiased Sampling Data bias Reduces the effect of data bias in the learned representations SwAV, PCL
Hard Negative Sampling Hard negative examples Emphasizes difficult examples to improve the learned representations PIRL, SeLa
Augmentation Augmentation Strategies Data efficiency Improves the model's ability to generalize to new data SimCLR, BYOL, SwAV, DINO
Augmentation Regularization Overfitting Encourages the model to learn robust features that are invariant to data augmentations FixMatch, Noisy Student
Architecture Transformer-based Models Long-range dependencies Models the relationships between input examples using self-attention mechanisms ViT, CCT, DINO
Contrastive Learning Unsupervised learning Trains the model to learn a similarity metric between examples without explicit labels SimCLR, MoCo, BYOL, SwAV, DINO
Multi-task Learning Multi-task learning Trains the model to learn multiple tasks simultaneously to improve the learned representations SimCLR-CLR, MTL, PCL

Mentioned Frameworks

Traditional CV

  1. SimCLR (Simple Contrastive Learning of Representations)
  2. MoCo (Memory-based Contrastive Learning)
  3. BYOL (Bootstrap Your Own Latent)
  4. SwAV (Swapping Assignments between Verbalizations)
  5. DINO (Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers)
  6. PIRL (Pretraining with Contrastive Learning of Intermediate Representations)
  7. SeLa (Self-Labelling)
  8. CPC (Contrastive Predictive Coding)
  9. CMC (Contrastive Multiview Coding)
  10. PCL (Prototype Conformity Learning)
  11. Noisy Student
  12. FixMatch
  13. SimCLR-CLR (SimCLR for Contrastive Language-Image Retrieval)
  14. MTL (Multi-Task Learning)
  15. ViT (Vision Transformer)
  16. CCT (Consistency-based Semi-supervised Learning for Object Detection)
  17. EsViT (Efficient Self-supervised Vision Transformer) etc,.

Remote senisng

The link need to be updated

Multispectral Representation learning Vincenzi et al.: colorization as pretext task
tile2vec: contrastive learning with triplet loss
Jung and Jeon: replace triplet loss of tile2vec to binary cross entropy loss
Stojnic and Risojevic: contrastive multiview coding (CMC)
Jung et al.: SimCLR with smoothed view
GeoMoCo: MoCo + geolocation as pretext task
SauMoCo: MoCo with spatial augmentation
SeCo: MoCo + seasonal contrast
GeoKR: geo-supervision (landcover map) + teacher-student network
Scene classification Lu et al.: AE
Zhao et al.: rotation as pretext task + classification loss
Tao et al.: inpainting, relative position and instance discrimination
Semantic segmentation Li et al.: inpainting/rotation as pretext tasks + contrastive learning
Singh et al.: GAN + inpainting as pretext task
Li et al.: global and local contrastive learning
Change detection Zhang et al.: denoising AE
S2-cGAN: conditional GAN discriminator + reconstruction loss
Dong et al.: GAN discriminator for temporal prediction
Cai et al.: clustering for hard sample mining
Leenstra et al.: triplet loss + binary cross entropy loss
Chen and Bruzzone: CMC + BYOL
Time series classification Yuan and Lin: Transformer + temporal pretext task
Object detection DUPR: patch reidentification + multilevel contrastive loss
Image retrieval Walter et al.: DeepCluster/BiGAN/VAE/colorization
Depth estimation Madhuanand et al.: AE + multitask prediction + triplet loss
Hyperspectral Image classification Mou et al.: AE
Li et al.: AE + subspace clustering
Liu et al.: CMC
Hu et al.: spatial-spectral Contrastive Clustering (CC)
Cao et al.: VAE/AAE/PCL
Hu et al.: BYOL + Transformer
Unmixing EGU-Net: AE + Siamese weight-sharing



Fine Tune Dataset

Dataset Short Introduction Sample Count Image Size Label Count Reference
ImageNet Large-scale image dataset for object recognition task 1.2 million 256x256 1000 [1]
Places Large-scale scene recognition dataset 2.5 million 256x256 205 [2]
Places365 Scene recognition dataset with 365 categories 1.8 million 256x256 365 [2]
SUNCG Large-scale indoor scene understanding dataset 45K 1280x720 40 [3]
MNIST Handwritten digits image dataset for classification task 70K 28x28 10 [4]
SVHN Street View House Numbers image dataset for digit recognition 600K 32x32 10 [5]
CIFAR10 Object recognition dataset with 10 classes of images 60K 32x32 10 [6]
STL-10 Object recognition dataset with 10 classes of images 130K 96x96 10 [7]
PASCAL VOC Object recognition dataset with 20 classes of images 11K various 20 [8]
ShapeNet Large-scale 3D shape benchmark for object recognition and retrieval >51K models 55 [9]
ModelNet40 3D object recognition dataset with 40 categories of objects 12K models 40 [10]
ShapeNet Large-scale 3D shape benchmark for object recognition and retrieval >51K models 55 [9]

Earth Observation Datasets

Dataset Short Introduction Sample Count Image Size Label Count Spectrum number Reference
BigEarthNet Large-scale Sentinel-2 benchmark archive for land use and land cover 590,326 120x120 43 13 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8544847
SEN12MS A multi-sensor remote sensing dataset for land use classification 180,464 256x256 10 1 https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/22/3693
So2Sat-LCZ A joint classification of land cover and urban morphology 660 256x256 17 10 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9418645
EuroSAT Land use and land cover classification with Sentinel-2 27,000 64x64 10 13 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8202564
NWPU-RESISC A benchmark for remote sensing image scene classification 55,000 256x256 45 3 https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.04799




Term Explanation Wikipedia Reference
pretext task A task designed to solve before the actual target task in order to learn generalizable representations of inputs at low and high levels. Link
pseudo-label A label generated based on the type of pre-text task solved by the network. Link
pre-trained model A ConvNet containing learned data representations/behaviors that is trained on a large unlabeled dataset using pre-text tasks. Link
transfer learning The process of transferring pre-trained features from a pre-trained model to solve downstream tasks such as image classification, object detection, and image segmentation. Link
linear classification A method for evaluating learned representations by training a linear classifier on top of a pre-trained ConvNet that is trained on a large unlabeled dataset like ImageNet. Link
fine-tuning A method for evaluating learned representations by not only replacing and retraining the classifier on top of the ConvNet but also fine-tuning the pre-trained network's weights via backpropagation. Link
architecture type The quality of visual representations learned through pre-text tasks largely depends on the ConvNet architecture type used and the network's ability to scale with data. Link
downstream task A task specific to defining what the model is actually supposed to do (primary task) while the pretext task is a secondary task performed to achieve the primary task. Link
contrastive learning A method that learns representations by contrasting similar and dissimilar pairs of samples. Link
data augmentation A method for creating more training samples by applying transformations such as rotation, cropping, flipping, and color jittering to existing data. Link


List of reference,algorithms, applications in SSL in RS (contribution are welcome)