pwolfe8 / GitHelp

personal git command help repo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git Command Reference


  • go to Kamino and provide your DNA
    • git clone url/to/your/repository

Status Checking and Updating

  • print out what's modified since last commit

    • git status
  • fetch any info on changes from the cloud (doesn't modify your local files)

    • git fetch
  • pull the changes from cloud to your local branch files

    • git pull
  • push your local commits to cloud

    • git push


  • checkout a local branch (may not be up to date)

    • git checkout name_of_branch
  • checkout a remote branch

    • git fetch
    • git checkout name_of_branch
  • make a new local branch & sync with remote

    • git checkout -b new_branch_name
    • git push --set-upstream origin new_branch_name

Stage Your Changes

  • add the files or folders you want to be in the commit

    • git add /path/to/file.vhd
    • git add /folder/you/want/to/add/*
  • add everything

    • git add -A
  • see changes for an unstaged file

    • git diff specific/file/you/want/to/check
  • see changes to all unstaged files files

    • git diff


  • undo a local commit without changing files:

    • git reset --soft HEAD^
  • unstage everything

    • git reset
  • undo your changes to a file

    • git checkout -- path/to/file.txt
  • reset your local files back to last commit

    • git reset --hard
    • git clean -fd


  • moving staged files into a commit with just summary message

    • git commit -m "summary of what was changed in this commit"
  • more verbose commit that brings up your vim text editor or whatever you set it to first line will be summary, rest of lines for more detailed description

    • git commit


  • pull latest master changes from cloud to your local branch
    • git merge origin/master

Fixing Merge Conflicts

  • Yeah, good luck with that. Time to call a team meeting.


  • stash away a copy of your changes locally so you can put them back later
    • git stash
  • deploy your stashed changes
    • git stash pop
  • delete your stash
    • git stash drop


tagging helps you label your commits as certain product releases, etc.

Creating a local tag:

  • git tag -a v1.1 -m "this feature was when we added the blinky leds make people think people our product is cool"

List local tags:

  • git tag

See more info about a specific tag git show v1.1

Tag a previous commit (where abc1234 is the start of your commit checksum you want to tag):

  • git tag -a v1.0 abc1234 -m "Original Product Release"

Push a tag to remote

  • git push origin v1.1

Or push all tags

  • git push --tags

Terminology and References

  • local - your local files not on the cloud
  • remote - the cloud storage solution you chose. (bitbucket, github, etc)
  • origin - a local alias that points to some remote's URL (points to your repository on bitbucket you cloned from, unless you change it)



personal git command help repo