pvsone / styra-das-kustomize

Kustomize overlays for installing Styra DAS on a local minikube or crc cluster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Kustomize overlays for installing Styra DAS on a local minikube or crc cluster.


This has been tested with DAS v0.5.4, and minikube v1.23 with Kubernetes v1.21 on a mac.

1. Start minikube

minikube start --memory=16384 --cpus=8 --driver=hyperkit

minikube ip # make note of the IP value for use later

2. Get Styra DAS configuration files

Download the configuration files from your tenant per the Styra DAS documentation

Unzip the files to the base directory

tar xzvf on-premises.tar.gz -C base

# (Optional) Remove helm charts - you don't need them for the kustomize based install
rm -rf base/charts

3. Update config

In overlays/minikube/kustomization.yaml

In overlays/minikube/settings.yaml

  • Update the ingress_url value. Replace <YOUR_NODE_IP> with the value of the IP obtained in step 1.

In overlays/minikube/credentials.yaml

  • Update the CHANGEME value for the root user password.

4. Deploy Styra DAS

Create styra-das namespace

kubectl create ns styra-das


kustomize build overlays/minikube | kubectl -n styra-das apply -f -

Open http://<YOUR_NODE_IP>:30036 in your browser, and login in with admin@styra.local and the root user password defined in the prior step.

OpenShift CodeReady Containers

This has been tested with DAS v0.4.6, and crc v1.22 with OpenShift v4.6 on a mac.

1. Start crc

crc start --memory=18432 --cpus=8

crc ip # make note of the IP value for use later

2. Get Styra DAS configuration files

Perform Step 2 as documented in the minikube section above.

3. Update config

Perform Step 3 as documented in the minikube section above. The crc overlay uses the minikube overlay as a base, therefore the changes to the minikube files need to be made in full.

4. Deploy Styra DAS

Create styra-das project

oc new-project styra-das

Enable privileged containers in the styra-das project

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default


kustomize build overlays/openshift-crc | kubectl -n styra-das apply -f -

Open http://<YOUR_NODE_IP>:30036 in your browser, and login in with admin@styra.local and the root user password defined in the prior step.


Kustomize overlays for installing Styra DAS on a local minikube or crc cluster