putteabrahamsson / react-native-leaflet-ts

React Native Leaflet with Typescript support

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React Native Leaflet TS

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react-native-leaflet-ts is a library with Typescript support that let's you to render a Leaflet in a WebView.

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npm install react-native-leaflet-ts


yarn add react-native-leaflet-ts


import Leaflet from 'react-native-leaflet-ts';

Usage with props

import Leaflet, { Markers, TileOptions } from 'react-native-leaflet-ts';

Release log

  • [2024-03-16] [v0.3.4] - Fixed example
  • [2024-03-16] [v0.3.3] - Added example of ref
  • [2024-03-16] [v0.3.2] - Fixed export of type
  • [2024-03-16][v0.3.1] - Added attribution, added ref to programmically clear markers & trigger flyTo.
  • [2023-02-16][v0.2.18] - Fixed map for Android
  • [2023-02-15][v0.2.16] - Added multiple layers & geoJSON
  • [2022-12-01][v0.2.12] - Fixed webview dependency
  • [2022-10-17][v0.2.9] - Added prop for detecting retina-screens
  • [2022-10-17][v0.2.8] - Fixed loading issue for iOS
  • [2022-10-11][v0.2.6] - Fixed support for Android
  • [2022-10-06][v0.2.1] - Fixed path for custom icon.
  • [2022-10-06][v0.2.0] - Minor changes to readme-file.
  • [2022-10-04][v0.1.8] - Support for custom icons & increased performance.
  • [2022-10-04][v0.1.7] - Added webview to peerDependencies.
  • [2022-10-04][v0.1.6] - Added dependencies to peerDependencies to prevent useRef crash.

Ref usages

import Leaflet, { RNLeafletRef } from 'react-native-leaflet-ts';

const App = () => {
  const leafletRef = useRef<RNLeafletRef>(null);

  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor: 'gray', flex: 1 }}>
            name: 'mapoverview',
            tileOptions: {
              attribution: 'hello! this is the attribution',
            latLng: [0, 0, -20],
            disabled: false,
            title: 'test',
            icon: 'https://link-to-image.com/image/4389219412.png',

        onPress={() =>
          leafletRef.current?.flyTo({ latLng: [0, 0, -20], zoom: 5 })
        title="flyto" />

        onPress={() => leafletRef.current?.clearMarkers()}
        title="clear markers" />

API Reference


Parameter Type Default Status Description
mapLayers Layers[] Required 1 or more layers is needed
zoom number 0 Optional
maxZoom number Optional
minZoom number Optional
flyTo { latLng: number[], zoom number } Optional Flies to a specific marker
startInLoadingState boolean true Optional Map starts in loading state
backgroundColor string transparent Optional BackgroundColor of map
onMessage function Optional (event: any) => void;
onError function Optional (event: any) => void
onLoadStart function Optional When webview loads starts loading


Parameter Type Default Status Description
name string Required Name of the map, mostly useful if multiple layers
src string Required Source of the map
tileOptions TileOptions Optional

Example usage:

const options: TileOptions = {
  noWrap: true,
  detectRetina: true,
  attribution: 'hello!',

const mapLayers: Layers[] = [
    name: 'Floor 1',
    src: 'https://cdn.myIndoorMap.com/maps/0faebe50-19e5-4445-9177-a09903973304/rev0/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png',
    tileOptions: options,
    name: 'Floor 2',
    src: 'https://cdn.myIndoorMap.com/maps/71b328d0-d85a-43a9-87ca-bf7c145d145b/rev0/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png',
    tileOptions: options,



Parameter Type Default Status Description
tileSize number 256 Optional Width and height of the tails in the grid
opacity number 1 Optional Opacity of the map
updateWhenIdle boolean Optional Load new tiles only when panning ends
updateWhenZooming boolean true Optional Zoom animation
updateInterval number 200 Optional Tile update speed
zIndex number 1 Optional zIndex of tile
bounds [number[]] Optional
noWrap boolean false Optional If map should be repeated
pane string Optional
className string Optional
keepBuffer number 2 Optional
detectRetina boolean false Optional
attribution string Optional Will add attribution in the bottom right corner


Parameter Type Default Status Description
latLng number[] Required Position of the marker on the map
icon string Optional example: "src/assets/pin.png"
iconSize { width: number, height: number} Optional size of icon
disabled boolean false Optional Weather it's clickable or not
title string "" Optional Text in textbox after clicking on a marker


Parameter Type Default Status Description
type string Required
features GeoJsonFeatures[] Required


Parameter Type Default Status Description
type string Required
geometry { type: string, coordinates: any[] } Required
properties { name: string } Optional


const markerList: Markers[] = [
    latLng: [-38.31571580761326, -23.735463483398522],
    iconSize: {
      width: 25,
      height: 25,
    icon: './src/assets/mapPin.png',
    title: 'Title 1',
    disabled: true,
    latLng: [-58.31571543253336, -43.535453281293517],
    iconSize: {
      width: 25,
      height: 25,
    title: 'Title 2',

const options: TileOptions = {
  noWrap: true,
  detectRetina: true,

const mapLayers: Layers[] = [
    name: 'Floor 1',
    src: 'https://cdn.myIndoorMap.com/maps/0faebe50-19e5-4445-9177-a09903973304/rev0/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png',
    tileOptions: options,
    name: 'Floor 2',
    src: 'https://cdn.myIndoorMap.com/maps/71b328d0-d85a-43a9-87ca-bf7c145d145b/rev0/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png',
    tileOptions: options,
    latLng: [-38.31571580761326, -23.735463483398522],
    zoom: 5,


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


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Help / Info

If you need any of the other Leaflet properties just let me know and I'll add them in. Send me a mail at patrick@weapp.se.


React Native Leaflet with Typescript support

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 43.5%Language:TypeScript 26.8%Language:JavaScript 10.2%Language:Java 9.5%Language:Ruby 6.7%Language:Objective-C 2.1%Language:Swift 1.2%