putmantime / kgx

knowledge graph exchange tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

knowledge graph interchange

A utility library and set of command line tools for exchanging data in knowledge graphs.

The tooling here is partly generic but intended primarily for building the translator-knowledge-graph.

For additional background see the Translator Knowledge Graph Drive


pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

Command Line Usage

Use the --help flag to get help. Right now there is a single command:

Usage: kgx dump [OPTIONS] [INPUT]... OUTPUT

  Transforms a knowledge graph from one representation to another
  INPUT  : any number of files or endpoints
  OUTPUT : the output file

  --input-type TEXT   Extention type of input files: ttl, json, csv, rq, tsv,
  --output-type TEXT  Extention type of output files: ttl, json, csv, rq, tsv,
  --help              Show this message and exit.

CSV/TSV representation require two files, one that represents the vertex set and one for the edge set. JSON, TTL, and GRAPHML files represent a whole graph in a single file. For this reason when creating CSV/TSV representation we will zip the resulting files in a .tar file.

The format will be inferred from the file extention. But if this cannot be done then the --input-type and --output-type flags are useful to tell the program what formats to use. Currently not all conversions are supported.

Here are some examples that mirror the tests:

$ kgx dump --output-type=csv tests/resources/x1n.csv tests/resources/x1e.csv target/x1out
File created at: target/x1out.tar
$ kgx dump tests/resources/x1n.csv tests/resources/x1e.csv target/x1n.graphml
File created at: target/x1n.graphml
$ kgx dump tests/resources/monarch/biogrid_test.ttl target/bgcopy.csv
File created at: target/bgcopy.csv.tar
$ kgx dump tests/resources/monarch/biogrid_test.ttl target/x1n.graphml
File created at: target/x1n.graphml
$ kgx dump tests/resources/monarch/biogrid_test.ttl target/x1n.json
File created at: target/x1n.json

Internal Representation

Internal representation is networkx MultiDiGraph which is a property graph.

The structure of this graph is expected to conform to the tr-kg standard, briefly summarized here:

  • Nodes
    • id : required
    • name : string
    • category : string. broad high level type. Corresponds to label in neo4j
    • extensible other properties, depending on
  • Edges
    • subject : required
    • predicate : required
    • object : required
    • extensible other fields


Intended to support

  • Generic Graph Formats
  • local or remote files
  • remote store via query API
    • neo4j/bolt
    • RDF



Neo4j implements property graphs out the box. However, some implementations use reification nodes. The transform should allow for de-reification.


knowledge graph exchange tools


Language:Python 99.1%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.4%