pusher-community / pusher-js-test-stub

The Pusher Test Stub provide a way of testing your client-side integration with the Pusher JavaScript library and lets you trigger events to ensure that your application behaves in the way you expect it to.

Home Page:http://blog.pusher.com/2011/9/2/testing-your-integration-with-the-pusher-javascript-library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pusher Test Stub

Stubs out the Pusher object with a fake object that can be manipulated for testing purposes.

This does NOT work with PusherJS 3.1 yet. We're working on it.

Quick Start

Install Pusher and the test stub.

$ bower install pusher
$ bower install pusher-test-stub

When in test mode inject the test stub and execute tests.

  <script src="./bower_components/pusher/dist/pusher.min.js"></script>
  <!-- ONLY include in test mode -->
  <script src="./bower_components/pusher-test-stub/dist/pusher-test-stub.js"></script>
    var MyApp = {
      messages: [],
      init: function() {
        var pusher = new Pusher('key');
        var channel = pusher.subscribe('messages');
        channel.bind('new-message', function(message) {
    // Define your tests - probably in a separate file that injected in test mode
    describe('Message Collection', function() {
      it('should be updated with a new message when new-message is triggered', function() {
        var channel = Pusher.singleton.channel('messages');
        channel.emit('new-message', { text: 'test stub message'});
        expect(MyApp.messages[0].text).to.be('test stub message');


bower install pusher-test-stub

Include the dist/pusher-test-stub.js file after pusher.js script.

<script src="//js.pusher.com/3.0/pusher.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/dist/pusher-test-stub.js"></script>

The Pusher definition will then be overwritten by the PusherTestStub definition.

Supported API

The public API offers everything that pusher-js supports.


The EventsDispacher is used by Pusher, Connection, Channel, PrivateChannel and PresenceChannel (all channel types). The functions on include:

  • obj.bind( eventName, callback ) - bind to all events with an event name:
  • obj.unbind( eventName[, callback] ) - Unbind to all events with a given name
  • obj.bind_all( callback ) - Bind to all absolutely all events. I'd be interested if anybody uses this
  • obj.unbind_all( callback ) - Unbind the all callback handler. I'd be interested if anybody uses this


Static variables:

  • Pusher.instances - Array of instances of Pusher objects instances


  • new Pusher( key[, options] ) - Constructor


  • pusher.subscribe( channelName )
  • pusher.unsubscribe( channelName )
  • pusher.channel( channelName ) - get a channel by name
  • pusher.allChannels()
  • pusher.connect()
  • pusher.disconnect()

Ones I'm hoping we can ignore:

  • pusher.bind( eventName, callback ) - Bind to all events with an event name:
  • pusher.bind_all( callback ) - Bind to all absolutely all events


  • pusher.key - The current app key:


Inherits from EventsDispacher.

  • connection.state - Connection state

Public Channel

The basic channel type which inherits from EventsDispacher. It doesn't offer any other functions other than those exposed by the object it inherits from.

However, there are a few properties:

  • channel.subscribed - Subscription state
  • channel.name - Channel name

Private Channel

Inherits from the public channel and as such inherits EventsDispacher.

  • channel.trigger( eventName, data ) - the ability to trigger client events on the channel.

Presence Channel

Inherits from the private channel and as such inherits EventsDispacher and the private channel properties. Also offers access to some presence state variables.

  • channel.members - Members on the channel. An instance of Pusher.Members



  • members.get( memberId ) - get a member with a given ID
  • members.each( callback ) - used to iterate members


  • members.count - the number of members on the channel
  • members.me - a reference to the current user on the channel


Not represented as an object anywhere, but the structure is:

  • member.id - a unique user id
  • member.info - application specific user information



Reference the last instance of Pusher that was created. Since you generally only want to create a single Pusher instance this can come in handy.

Pusher.singleton.trigger(channelName, eventName, eventData)

Trigger an event on the given channel.

Pusher.singleton.trigger('channel', 'my-event', {});


$ npm install


The build process uses gulp and webpack..

$ gulp build

A new build will be created in dist/pusher-test-stub.js.


Tests are defined in test/acceptance.js and run via test/runner.html.

Note: Pusher assumes it's running in a browser and has a hard dependency on it at the moment. So the Pusher Test Stub is also restricted by that dependency

To run the tests:

$ gulp serve

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/test/runner.html




The Pusher Test Stub provide a way of testing your client-side integration with the Pusher JavaScript library and lets you trigger events to ensure that your application behaves in the way you expect it to.



Language:JavaScript 94.3%Language:HTML 5.7%