Purvil Mehta (purvilmehta06)


Geek Repo

Location:Los Angeles, California, US

Home Page:https://purvil-mehta.netlify.app/

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Purvil Mehta's starred repositories


This repo contains the project work carried out for the course Deep Learning in my B. Tech Final Year DA-IICT. It is the replication of the code in simpler terms available on GitHub.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:4Issues:3Issues:1


The aim of database to record various details of entities like airport, airlines, aircraft, flight and its scheduling and passengers and the relationships among these entities like arrival and departure airport of a flight, the airlines to which a flight belongs to, flight booked by a passenger etc. This database also includes the baggage history of individual passenger. Not only these, it also includes the pilot detail and their relationship to particular flight.



This repository contains lab work of High Performance Computing. This course is offered at DA-IICT in 6th semester (3rd Year). The main purpose of this course is to get maximum throughput from any system. Depending upon the cache size, processor and using multi threading via open-mp, we are analyzing the performance, its efficiency, speedup, throughput of any given code. How to parallelized any given serial code and how to use spatial or temporal locality in order to achieve best computing performance is the goal for this course.



This repository contains lab work of the course Computational and Numerical Methods which was offered in 5th semester of B Tech ICT in minor computational science engineering at DAIICT.



This repository contains the lab work of the course Deep Learning offered in Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology in the final year..

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


This project is a small version of a bigger complex project on accident detection. In this project, we aim to record audio and 360° video of the surrounding using a rotating camera immediately after the event is triggered.



This repository contains the lab work of the course Machine Learning (IE 406).

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


This repository contains the lab work of the course Model and Simulation. From building a model with proper assumption and differential equation to simulate that in the computer via python code is presented in this repository.


A MATLAB code which can convert 'K' information bits into 'N' bits and make a N-bit codeword. This code also introduces errors randomly in codeword at the transmission time and can able to detect and correct the errors at the receiver side in Binary Erasure Channel as well as Binary Symmetric Channel.



SmartBricks is a commercial website for property selling and purchasing. SmartBricks provides a platform to sellers, owners, and builders to sell their property online. Depending upon the popularity of the area and builder, they can set proper price for their property. On the other side, the buyer will get the advantage of statistics of the area like availability, amenities in the house on their phone or desktop. We provide owner details to buyer after verification so that privacy maintains for both users.
