puresec / lambda-proxy

Lambda-Proxy creates an HTTP proxy listening on localhost port 8082. When it receives an HTTP POST request with a very specific structure , it will parse the request, extract the relevant data required for the test, and will invoke your AWS Lambda function using the AWS SDK client.invoke() method. It was created for testing AWS Lambda functions with SQLMap as described here: https://www.puresec.io/blog/automated-sql-injection-testing-of-serverless-functions-on-a-shoestring-budget-and-some-good-music

Home Page:https://www.puresec.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

More details in the following blog post: https://www.puresec.io/blog/automated-sql-injection-testing-of-serverless-functions-on-a-shoestring-budget-and-some-good-music

A simple utility to help test AWS Lambda functions for SQL Injection vulnerabilities, using a local HTTP proxy, which transforms the SQLMap HTTP-based attacks to AWS Lambda invoke calls.

Run lambda-proxy

$ python3 main.py

Update request.txt, which is the file containing your Lambda function's event data, and run

$ sqlmap -r request.txt


Lambda-Proxy creates an HTTP proxy listening on localhost port 8082. When it receives an HTTP POST request with a very specific structure , it will parse the request, extract the relevant data required for the test, and will invoke your AWS Lambda function using the AWS SDK client.invoke() method. It was created for testing AWS Lambda functions with SQLMap as described here: https://www.puresec.io/blog/automated-sql-injection-testing-of-serverless-functions-on-a-shoestring-budget-and-some-good-music


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%