is a customizable file explorer with git integration, but not only that. You can also get the list of buffers and your maildirs with mu4e.
I had few problems with others similar projects, so I wrote this one:
- With the others, we're limited to 1 instance per emacs instance, it's annoying when we're using emacs daemon.
is written in a way to be able to open one sidebar for each frame. - We can't select in which window we want to open the file. it's possible with
Everything is customizable.
The icons are available on both GUI and terminal versions.
Please give me your feedback and open issue for bugs.
emacs 24.4
Optional but recommended (for both GUI and terminal)
Please install icons-in-terminal.
Follow the instructions for emacs integration.
is not yet available on MELPA.
I'm waiting for feedbacks to add it on melpa.
$ git clone
Add those lines in your emacs init file:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.local/share/icons-in-terminal/") ;; If it's not already done
(add-to-list 'load-path "PATH-TO-SIDEBAR-DIRECTORY")
(require 'sidebar)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'sidebar-open)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-a") 'sidebar-buffers-open)
require some packages: dash
, dash-functional
, s
, ov
, projectile
and frame-local.
You can install them through melpa.
Key | Command | Note |
sidebar-open-line |
Open file or enter directory |
sidebar-open-line-in-window |
Open file in a selected window |
C-d |
sidebar-deleted-selected |
Delete the file |
C-h |
sidebar-history |
Open the history of visited directory |
i |
sidebar-create-directory |
Create a directory |
n |
sidebar-create-file |
Create a file |
M-C |
sidebar-cut-selected |
Cut the file |
C |
sidebar-copy-selected |
Copy the file |
P |
sidebar-paste |
Paste the file |
? |
sidebar-help |
Open describe-mode |
R |
sidebar-rename-selected |
Rename the file |
g |
sidebar-refresh |
Refresh the content of the sidebar |
q |
sidebar-close |
Close sidebar |
<tab> |
sidebar-switch-to-buffers |
Switch to the list of buffers |
sidebar-up-directory |
Change the current directory to its parent (Backspace) |
<right> |
sidebar-adjust-window-width |
Adjust the window width if the filename is too long |
<left> |
sidebar-reset-window-width |
Reset the window width to the default value |
Key | Command | Note |
sidebar-buffers-open-line |
Open the buffer |
sidebar-buffers-open-in-window |
Open the buffer in a selected window |
d |
sidebar-buffers-mark-delete |
Mark the buffer to be delete |
s |
sidebar-buffers-mark-save |
Mark the buffer to be save |
u |
sidebar-buffers-unmark |
Unmark the buffer |
x |
sidebar-buffers-mark-execute |
Execute the action(s) on marked buffer(s) |
q |
sidebar-buffers-close |
Close sidebar |
g |
sidebar-refresh |
Refresh the content of the sidebar |
<tab> |
sidebar-switch-to-files |
Switch to the list of files |
h |
sidebar-buffers-toggle-hidden |
Show/hide the hidden buffers (starting with a space) |
<right> |
sidebar-adjust-window-width |
Adjust the window width if the filename is too long |
<left> |
sidebar-reset-window-width |
Reset the window width to the default value |
? |
sidebar-help |
Open describe-mode |
Key | Command | Note |
; |
sidebar-mu4e-switch-context |
Switch context on mu4e and refresh the sidebar content |
sidebar-mu4e-open-line |
Open the maildir or bookmark |
q |
sidebar-close |
Close sidebar |
<right> |
sidebar-adjust-window-width |
Adjust the window width if the filename is too long |
<left> |
sidebar-reset-window-width |
Reset the window width to the default value |
? |
sidebar-help |
Open describe-mode |
To customize icons and behaviours of sidebar:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar [RET]
To customize the colors:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar-faces [RET]
To customize sidebar-buffers:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar-buffers [RET]
To customize sidebar-mu4e:
M-x customize-group [RET] sidebar-mu4e [RET]
You will likely want to customize sidebar-primary-color
, most of the faces inherit from it.
See here