pulanski / mac

Mac setup automation via Homebrew

Repository from Github https://github.compulanski/macRepository from Github https://github.compulanski/mac


Mac Setup Automation

A configuration for automating the setup process of macOS with preferred installations.
Can be easily configured to meet your needs (i.e. your preferred set of applications/configurations).

Table of Contents

General Note

I try to maintain a consistent state between this README and the contents of the Brewfile itself, however the README may not always be up-to-date.


In the future, I hope to migrate this automation from Homebrew to a more fine-grained approach with Ansible, allowing for a unified approach to automation for a wide-variety of different operating systems.


Core repositories that are managed by the Homebrew team.

Third-party repositories

You can also include your own public Github repositories to the list of taps as described here.

Additionally, many popular packages are already available like atlassian/tap for Atlassian software or ska-sa/tap for radio astronomy.

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Formulae and Casks

Collection of various applications, tools, and utilities available via Homebrew.

Languages and Associated Tools

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Version Control Systems and tooling

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Continuous Integration based tooling

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Shells and associated utilities

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Useful CLI Helpers and Utilities

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Containers and Orchestration

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Text Editors and IDEs

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Node.js and Deno

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System Information and Monitoring

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Android Development

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Flutter Development

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Mac-specific Apps and Utilities

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Startup Script

Script to run when first starting up a new macOS machine located at startup.sh.


# This script will install all the software detailed above.
# Intended for automating the setup process of a new Mac.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

brew bundle

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Mac setup automation via Homebrew


Language:Ruby 92.8%Language:Shell 7.2%