pugang / wicket-dashboard

Simple web dashboard using Apache Wicket

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Simple wicket dashboard

A dashboard is a panel with quick access to information or common tasks.


With wicket-dashboard you can easily add a dashboard with standard and custom widgets to your wicket application.
For a dashboard you can specify the numbers of columns, drag and drop widgets, remove widgets, add new widgets, change widget settings, collapse widgets, or perform any custom action added by you to widget.
Also you can save and load the dashboard from a repository (file, database).


  • Dashboard is the object that contains the widgets. It has one or more columns.
  • Widget is a fancy word for tools or content that you can add, arrange, and remove from the dashboard. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your dashboard. Widget has an id, a title, some settings (optional), a location (the column and row in dashboard), and more important it has a view.
  • WidgetView is the component that displays the widget content (it extends the wicket Panel class). A view can be for example a chart or a table.
  • WidgetDescriptor contains widget meta data: name, description, provider and the widget class name.
  • WidgetFactory is the object that creates widgets using the widget descriptors.
  • WidgetRegistry is the object that stores all active widget descriptors. You can register a new widget using a widget descriptor.
  • DashboardPersiter is responsible for dashboard load and save. XStreamDashboardPersister is a concrete implementation that save/load a dashboard to/from a file.
  • DashboardPanel is a wicket panel that displays a dashboard.
  • WidgetPanel is a wicket panel that displays a widget. It contains a header panel, a settings panel (if the widget has settings) and the widget view. It can be moved with drag and drop. The header panel contains the widget title, an icon that display the collapsed state and some actions (refresh, delete, settings).
  • WidgetAction defines an action that is usually assigned to a widget. By default on each widget are some default actions: REFRESH, DELETE and SETTINGS (if the widget has settings).
  • WidgetActionsFactory is the object that creates actions for the widgets. You can add easily any custom actions or remove defaults actions (adding security is a scenario).


  • Wicket Dashboard Core wicket-dashboard-core (jar)
  • Wicket Dashboard (Standard) Widgets
    • ofchart wicket-dashboard-ofchart (jar)
    • jqplot wicket-dashboard-jqplot (jar)
    • justgage wicket-dashboard-justgage (jar)
    • loremipsum wicket-dashboard-loremispum (jar)
  • Wicket Dashboard Demo wicket-dashboard-demo (war)

Using Maven

All artifacts are uploaded to the Central Maven Repository.

In your pom.xml you must define the dependencies to wicket dashboard artifacts with:


<!-- OPTIONAL -->

<!-- OPTIONAL -->

<!-- OPTIONAL -->

<!-- OPTIONAL -->

where ${wicket-dashboard.version} is the last wicket dashboard version.

You may want to check for the latest released version using Maven Search

How to use

It's very simple to add a dashboard panel in your wicket application.

In your application class make some initializations:

public void init() {

    // >>> begin dashboard settings
    // register some widgets
    DashboardContext dashboardContext = new DashboardContext();
    WidgetRegistry widgetRegistry = dashboardContext.getWidgetRegistry();
    widgetRegistry.registerWidget(new LoremIpsumWidgetDescriptor());
    widgetRegistry.registerWidget(new ChartWidgetDescriptor());
    ChartWidget.setChartDataFactory(new DemoChartDataFactory());
    widgetRegistry.registerWidget(new JqPlotWidgetDescriptor());
    JqPlotWidget.setChartFactory(new DemoChartFactory());
    // add dashboard context injector
    DashboardContextInjector dashboardContextInjector = new DashboardContextInjector(dashboardContext);
    // init dashboard using the context created above
    // <<< end dashboard settings

private void initDashboard(DashboardContext dashboardContext) {
    dashboard = dashboardContext.getDashboardPersiter().load();
    if (dashboard == null) {
        dashboard = new DefaultDashboard("default", "Default");

In your web page add the dashboard panel:

Dashboard dashboard = ...;
add(new DashboardPanel("dashboard", new Model<Dashboard>(dashboard)));

To configure wicket-dashboard see DashboardSettings class. In this class you can specify for example if you want to ignore the jquery internal version, or to specify another versions for wicket-dashboard's resources.

public void init() {
    DashboardSettings dashboardSettings = DashboardSettings.get();
    // I don't want to add the internal wicket-dashboard's jquery to page head when I used DashboardPanel


If you need an dashboard context object in your wicket panel than implements DashboardContextAware (see AddWidgetPanel from demo).

For more information please see the demo sources.


I have a tiny demo application. In this demo I have implemented three widgets types: a chart widget using open flash chart, a chart widget using jqplot, a handy widget for generating and animating nice & clean gauges using justgage and a loremipsum widget (display a Lorem Ipsum).

The demo application is in demo package. To run the demo application use:

mvn install
cd demo
mvn jetty:run

In the internet browser type http://localhost:8081/.

You can see a screenshot from demo application in [wiki page] (https://github.com/decebals/wicket-dashboard/wiki).


Copyright 2012 Decebal Suiu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Simple web dashboard using Apache Wicket