pudyasto / satusehat-integration

SATUSEHAT Integration Library

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Build SATUSEHAT FHIR Object in Easy Way

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This unofficial SATUSEHAT FHIR PHP Library to help generate FHIR resources JSON and sent it via SATUSEHAT API.

How to contribute ?

As this is open source project, please kindly support this project by adding feature improvement or bug fixing. Styling fix (comma, delimiter, tab, spacing) will not be considered as contribution and will not considered for merge request. Significant contributor(s) will be mentioned to credits.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your forked repository
  3. Create new branch
  4. Make changes
  5. Commit and push
  6. Create pull request

Fitur SATUSEHAT Fase 1 Rawat Jalan

Based on : SATUSEHAT Mandate PMK 24 tahun 2022 (Deadline December 2023) :

OAuth & KYC

  • OAuth2 (POST)
  • KYC SATUSEHAT Platform (Centang Biru SATUSEHAT Mobile)


  • Organization GET by ID
  • Organization POST
  • Organization PUT


  • Location GET by ID
  • Location POST
  • Location PUT


  • Patient GET by NIK
  • Patient GET by ID


  • Practitioner GET by NIK
  • Practitioner GET by ID


  • Encounter GET by ID
  • Encounter POST
  • Encounter PUT


  • ICD-10 Masterdata (2022-12 Update)
  • Condition GET by ID
  • Condition POST
  • Condition PUT



composer require ivanwilliammd/satusehat-integration

Publish Config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Satusehat\Integration\SatusehatIntegrationServiceProvider" --tag=config

Publish Migration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Satusehat\Integration\SatusehatIntegrationServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

Run Migration

php artisan migrate

Publish ICD-10 Migration, Seeder, and CSV file (optional - to enable auto code lookup)

# Run to publish all assets regarding ICD-10
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Satusehat\Integration\SatusehatIntegrationServiceProvider" --tag=icd10

# Run to migrate the ICD10 table
php artisan migrate

# Run to seed the data
php artisan db:seed --class=Icd10Seeder

Cara pemakaian

Konfigurasi ClientID & ClientSecret dan Organization ID

Isilah Organization ID, Client ID dan Client Secret yang diberikan oleh SATUSEHAT di file .env








Dry Run / Create Token

 * Uji coba echo Token yang sesuai dan di DB akan tersimpan
 * Pastikan sudah mengisi konfigurasi di .env

$client = new Satusehat\Integration\OAuth2Client;
echo $client->token();

KYC (Verifikasi SATUSEHAT Centang Biru)

*Note : Wajib dilakukan pada konfigurasi .env SATUEHAT_ENV=PROD

 * Pastikan sudah mengisi konfigurasi di .env
 * Proses KYC tidak perlu lagi menggunakan deklarasi OAuth2Client->token()

use Satusehat\Integration\KYC;

$kyc = new KYC;

// Isi nama verifikator & NIK verifikator untuk mendapatkan link KYC
$json = $kyc->generateUrl('{nama_verifikator}', '{nik_verifikator}');
$kyc_link = json_decode($json, true);

 * Melakukan route redirect ke link KYC
 * saat ini hanya bisa dibuka pada tab baru / pop-up
 * tidak bisa melalui iframe
return redirect($kyc_link['data']['url']);

FHIR Resource Agnostic Operation

  • Fungsi dasar GET, POST, PUT sudah ditambahkan pada kelas OAuth2Client.
  • Proses GET / POST / PUT, tidak perlu lagi menggunakan deklarasi OAuth2Client->token()
  • Hasil balikan dari GET adalah kode status HTTP dan response body (JSON)

Contoh GET by ID

 * Hasil balikan dari GET / POST / PUT adalah kode status HTTP dan response body (JSON)

use Satusehat\Integration\OAuth2Client;

$client = new OAuth2Client;

// Organization
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get('Organization', '{id}');

// Location
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get('Location', '{id}');

// Patient
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get('Patient', '{id}');

// Practitioner
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get('Practitioner', '{id}');

// Encounter
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get('Encounter', '{id}');

// Condition
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get('Condition', '{id}');


// Patient
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get_by_nik('Patient', '{NIK Pasien}');

// Practitioner
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->get_by_nik('Practitioner', '{NIK Dokter}');

Agnostic POST & PUT : using self build JSON object

$client = new OAuth2Client;
$body = ...... ; // JSON Object
$resource = ......; // FHIR Resource (Organization, Location, Patient, Practitioner, Encounter, Condition)

// Format Agnostic POST
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->ss_post($resource, $body);
echo $statusCode, $response;

// Format Agnostic PUT
$id = ...... ; // SATUSEHAT response ID
[$statusCode, $response] = $client->ss_put($resource, $id, $body);
echo $statusCode, $response;

FHIR Class Object

Untuk mempermudah pembuatan FHIR Object data type, dapat menggunakan class object yang sudah disediakan. Contoh penggunaan :


use Satusehat\Integration\FHIR\Organization;
use Satusehat\Integration\FHIR\Location;
use Satusehat\Integration\FHIR\Encounter;
use Satusehat\Integration\FHIR\Condition;

// Organization
$organization = new Organization;
$organization->addIdentifier('{kode_unik_suborganisasi}'); // unique string free text (increments / UUID / inisial)
$organization->setName('{nama_suborganisasi}'); // string free text

// Location
$location = new Location;
$location->addIdentifier('{kode_unik_lokasi}'); // unique string free text (increments / UUID / inisial)
$location->setName('{nama_lokasi}'); // string free text
$location->addPhysicalType('{tipe_lokasi}'); // ro = ruangan, bu = bangunan, wi = sayap gedung, ve = kendaraan, ho = rumah, ca = kabined, rd = jalan, area = area. Default bila tidak dideklarasikan = ruangan

// Encounter
$encounter = new Encounter;

 * timestamp_kedatangan, timestamp_pemeriksaan, timestamp_pulang = format Y-m-dTH:i:s+UTC
 * Contoh : 31 Desember 2022 15:45 WIB : 2022-12-31T15:45:00+07:00
$statusHistory = ['arrived' => '{timestamp_kedatangan}', 
                    'in-progress' => '{timestamp_pemeriksaan}', 
                    'finished' => '{timestamp_pulang}']; 

$encounter->addRegistrationId('{kode_registrasi}'); // unique string free text (increments / UUID)
$encounter->addStatusHistory($statusHistory); // array of timestamp
$encounter->setConsultationMethod('{metode_konsultasi}'); // RAJAL, IGD, RANAP, HOMECARE, TELEKONSULTASI
$encounter->setSubject('{id_patient}', '{nama_pasien}'); // ID SATUSEHAT Pasien dan Nama SATUSEHAT
$encounter->addParticipant('{id_practitioner}', '{nama_dokter}'); // ID SATUSEHAT Dokter, Nama Dokter
$encounter->addLocation('{id_location}', '{nama_poli}'); // ID SATUSEHAT Location, Nama Poli
$encounter->addDiagnosis('{id_condition}', '{kode_icd_10}'); // ID SATUSEHAT Condition, Kode ICD10

// Condition
$condition = new Condition;
$condition->addClinicalStatus('{status_klinis}'); // active, inactive, resolved. Default bila tidak dideklarasi = active
$condition->addCategory('{kategori}'); // Diagnosis, Keluhan. Default : diagnosis
$condition->addCode('{kode_icd_10}'); // Kode ICD10
$condition->setSubject('{id_patient}', '{nama_pasien}'); // ID SATUSEHAT Pasien dan Nama SATUSEHAT
$condition->setEncounter('{id_encounter}'); // ID SATUSEHAT Encounter
$condition->setOnsetDateTime('{timestamp_onset}'); // timestamp onset. Timestamp sekarang
$condition->setRecordedDate('{timestamp_recorded}'); // timestamp recorded. Timestamp sekarang

POST / PUT menggunakan FHIR Class Object

 * Proses GET / POST / PUT melalui FHIR class Object, tidak perlu lagi menggunakan deklarasi kelas OAuth2Client
 * Hasil balikan dari POST & PUT adalah kode status HTTP dan response body (JSON)

// Organization
[$statusCode, $response] = $organization->post();
[$statusCode, $response] = $organization->put('{organization_id}');

// Location
[$statusCode, $response] = $location->post();
[$statusCode, $response] = $location->put('{location_id}');

// Encounter
[$statusCode, $response] = $encounter->post();
[$statusCode, $response] = $encounter->put('{encounter_id}');

// Condition
[$statusCode, $response] = $condition->post();
[$statusCode, $response] = $condition->put('{condition_id}');


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


  1. dr. Ivan William Harsono, MTI


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


SATUSEHAT Integration Library


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%