pudumula / Phoenix-MDK

Phoenix-MDK Project Files

Home Page:http://www.iuac.res.in/~elab/phoenix/PMDK/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Phoenix-MDK Code
This project contains the softwares needed for using Phoenix-MDK. Find more about Phoenix-MDK from - http://www.iuac.res.in/~elab/phoenix/PMDK/index.html

1) Bootloader for Phoenix-MDK
2) Python script for loading hex file using AVRDUDE.

For compiling the bootloader and also for using Phoenix-MDK following are needed

1) gcc-avr -> Cross-Compiler
2) avr-libc -> AVR libraries
3) avrdude -> Tool for flashing the AVR microcontrollers
4) AVR programmer -> Hardware for transfering 
5) python -> Flashing code using bootloader and for making life easy 
6) Phoenix-MDK -> Phoenix Microcontroller Development Kit

Phoenix-MDK contains an ATMega32 microcontroller with a 8-MHz crystal. It conatains a bootloader for loading the hex file into its flash memory through USB. If you need to compile the bootloader code for another clock frequency, don't forget to modify the makefile. 

Below command makes the bootloader hex file for ATMega32 microcontrollers with 8MHz crystal.
make atmega32

Pre-Compiled files:
If you don't want to compile and generate the hex files, you can use the below hex files
Bootloader_atmega32.hex - Bootloader hex file with 8MHz crystal

1)Initial bootloader was taken from - http://wiki.edwindertien.nl/doku.php?id=software:bootloaders 
2)Pramode CE : Support for testing bootloader and also the python script to load hex into flash memory.
3)Ajith BP   : Phoenix-MDK project owner

More details available from
Jeffrey Antony


Phoenix-MDK Project Files
