PubSubHubbub subscriber module. Supports both 0.3 and 0.4 hubs.
NB Do not upgrade from v0.1.x - the API is totally different
Install with npm
npm install pubsubhubbub
pubsubhubbub starts a HTTP server on selected port.
var pubSubHubbub = require("pubsubhubbub");
var pubSubSubscriber = pubSubHubbub.createServer(options);
Where options includes the following properties
- port - port to listen
- callbackUrl Callback URL for the hub
- secret (optional) Secret value for HMAC signatures
- maxContentSize (optional) Maximum allowed size of the POST messages
- username (optional) Username for HTTP Authentication
- password (optional) Password for HTTP Authentication
- 'listen' - HTTP server has been set up and is listening for incoming connections
- 'error' (err) - An error has occurred
- 'subscribe' (data) - Subscription for a feed has been updated
- 'unsubscribe' (data) - Subscription for a feed has been cancelled
- 'denied' (data) - Subscription has been denied
- 'feed' (data) - Incoming notification
Start listening on selected port
- port is the HTTP port to listen
Subscribe to a feed with
pubSubSubscriber.subscribe(topic, hub, callback)
- topic is the URL of the RSS/ATOM feed to subscribe to
- hub is the hub for the feed
- callback (optional) is the callback function with an error object if the subscription failed
var pubSubSubscriber = pubSubHubbub.createServer(options),
topic = "",
hub = "";
pubSubSubscriber.on("subscribe", function(data){
console.log(data.topic + " subscribed");
pubsub.on("listen", function(){
pubSubSubscriber.subscribe(topic, hub, function(err){
console.log("Failed subscribing");
Unsubscribe from a feed with
pubSubSubscriber.unsubscribe(topic, hub, callback)
- topic is the URL of the RSS/ATOM feed to unsubscribe from
- hub is the hub for the feed
- callback (optional) is the callback function with an error object if the unsubscribing failed
var pubSubSubscriber = pubSubHubbub.createServer(options),
topic = "",
hub = "";
pubSubSubscriber.on("unsubscribe", function(data){
console.log(data.topic + " unsubscribed");
pubsub.on("listen", function(){
pubSubSubscriber.unsubscribe(topic, hub, function(err){
console.log("Failed unsubscribing");
Update notifications can be checked with the 'feed'
event. The data object is with the following structure:
- topic - Topic URL
- hub - Hub URL, might be undefined
- callback - Callback URL that was used by the Hub
- feed - Feed XML as a Buffer object
- headers - Request headers object