ptzool / helm-common

Helm Common library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version: 0.0.1 Type: library Contributor Covenant Artifact Hub

A Helm chart template for creating helm charts


Code Factory's helm-common is a developer friendly DevOps solution to deploy any application or service into Kubernetes. It's based on inidustrial standards and contains many years of experience developing and shipping real life services. It highly supports microservice architecture and semantic versioning. The template system of helm-common is a really powerfool tool, which allows you to ship your products even faster.

Code Factory's helm-common is a very good place to start your jurney with Kubernetes and Helm, or if you want to have a standardized deployment solution.

If you have any question about this tool, or if you have any suggestion how to improve it, open a new issue or PR, and let's discuss it!

Happy helming!


Create a new project

To use helm-common you need a separate project for managing your micro services with helm. Let's call it helm.

In order to maximize the power of helm-common we recommend to use a similar folder structure like this.


Set as dependency for a new or an existing chart:

# project_name/Chart.yaml
- name: "helm-common"
  version: 0.0.1
  repository: "@arti_internal" # or "https://domain.tld/artifactory/helm-virtual"

@arti_internal should be added as a helm repo:

helm repo add @arti_internal https://domain.tld/artifactory/helm-virtual

Now you can include the following templates in your template yaml files and configure their behaviour with the values.yaml:


{{- template "" . -}}
# configmap for environment variables in your deployment


{{- template "common.deployment" . -}}
# deployment for your microservice


{{- template "common.ingress" . -}}
# ingress for your services


{{- template "" . --}}
# secret for environment variables in your deployment


{{- template "common.service" . -}}
# service for your deployment


{{- template "common.cronjob" . -}}
# cronjob for your microservice

Roles of the files

  • root level values-*.yaml files contain the envionment specific values, like evironment variables, ingress config, etc.
  • project_name/Chart.yaml contains the ubrella chart info about the project.
apiVersion: v2
appVersion: 1.0.1
description: Some description
name: project_name
type: application
version: 1.0.1
  - name: helm-common
    version: 1.0.0
    repository: "@arti_internal"
  - name: ms1
    version: ">=0.0.0-0"
  - name: ms2
    version: ">=0.0.0-0"
  • project_name/values.yaml contains the project related values, like ingress config, resource allocations, imagePullSecrets, stb.
  • project_name/templates folder contains yaml files, which uses helm-common templates. See above.
  • project_name/charts folder contains the micro service configurations
  • project_name/charts/templates similar to project_name/templates
  • project_name/chart/values.yaml contains the values to a specific microservice, eg. resource allocation, secret name, environment variables, images name, version, liveness/readiness settings, etc.
  • project_name/chart/Chart.yaml contains the chart data of a specific microservice.
apiVersion: v2
appVersion: 1.0.0
description: Some description
name: ms1
type: application
version: 1.0.0
  - name: "helm-common"
    version: 1.0.0
    repository: "@arti_internal"


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Configure affinity
annotations object {} Configure annotations for the deployment and service
appEnvConfigMap object {"annotations":{},"name":"app-env-config-map"} Configure configmap for env vars See env.configMap for more string "app-env-secret" Name of the secret for sensitive env vars (It will be removed in future versions.) See env.secret for more
application.args string nil Set args for the application container
application.command string nil Set command for the application container
application.lifecycle string nil Set postStart and preStop hook for the application container
application.liveness object {"command":null,"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":3,"host":null,"httpHeaders":null,"initialDelaySeconds":0,"path":"/health","periodSeconds":20,"port":9000,"scheme":"HTTP","timeoutSeconds":1,"type":"httpGet"} Configure the health check for the application
application.liveness.command string nil Liveness check http headers (used only probe type exec)
application.liveness.enabled bool true Set false to disable liveness probe
application.liveness.failureThreshold int 3 Liveness check failureThreshold string nil Liveness check host (used only probe type httpGet and tcpSocket)
application.liveness.httpHeaders string nil Liveness check http headers (used only probe type httpGet)
application.liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 0 Liveness check initialDelaySeconds
application.liveness.path string "/health" Liveness check endpoint (used only probe type httpGet)
application.liveness.periodSeconds int 20 Liveness check periodSeconds
application.liveness.port int 9000 Liveness check port (used only probe type httpGet and tcpSocket)
application.liveness.scheme string "HTTP" Liveness check Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP. (used only probe type httpGet)
application.liveness.timeoutSeconds int 1 Liveness check timeoutSeconds
application.liveness.type string "httpGet" Valid probe types are: httpGet, tcpSocket, exec
application.managementPort int 9000 The mangement port the application, where the metrics, liveness and readiness is reachable
application.readiness object {"command":null,"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":3,"host":null,"httpHeaders":null,"initialDelaySeconds":0,"path":"/health","periodSeconds":10,"port":9000,"scheme":"HTTP","successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1,"type":"httpGet"} Configure the ready check for the application
application.readiness.command string nil Readiness check http headers (used only probe type exec)
application.readiness.enabled bool true Set false to disable readiness probe
application.readiness.failureThreshold int 3 Readiness check failureThreshold string nil Readiness check host (used only probe type httpGet and tcpSocket)
application.readiness.httpHeaders string nil Readiness check http headers (used only probe type httpGet)
application.readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 0 Readiness check initialDelaySeconds
application.readiness.path string "/health" Readiness check endpoint (used only probe type httpGet)
application.readiness.periodSeconds int 10 Readiness check periodSeconds
application.readiness.port int 9000 Readiness check port (used only probe type httpGet and tcpSocket)
application.readiness.scheme string "HTTP" Readiness check Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP. (used only probe type httpGet)
application.readiness.successThreshold int 1 Readiness check successThreshold
application.readiness.timeoutSeconds int 1 Readiness check timeoutSeconds
application.readiness.type string "httpGet" Valid probe types are: httpGet, tcpSocket, exec
application.serverPort int 8000 The port where the application listens
application.startupProbe object {"command":null,"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":30,"host":null,"httpHeaders":null,"initialDelaySeconds":0,"path":"/health","periodSeconds":10,"port":9000,"scheme":"HTTP","timeoutSeconds":1,"type":"httpGet"} Configure the startup check for the application
application.startupProbe.command string nil Startup check http headers (used only probe type exec)
application.startupProbe.enabled bool true Set false to disable startup probe
application.startupProbe.failureThreshold int 30 Startup check failureThreshold string nil Startup check host (used only probe type httpGet and tcpSocket)
application.startupProbe.httpHeaders string nil Startup check http headers (used only probe type httpGet)
application.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 0 Startup check initialDelaySeconds
application.startupProbe.path string "/health" Startup check endpoint (used only probe type httpGet)
application.startupProbe.periodSeconds int 10 Startup check periodSeconds
application.startupProbe.port int 9000 Startup check port (used only probe type httpGet and tcpSocket)
application.startupProbe.scheme string "HTTP" Startup check Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP. (used only probe type httpGet)
application.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1 Startup check timeoutSeconds
application.startupProbe.type string "httpGet" Valid probe types are: httpGet, tcpSocket, exec
application.terminationGracePeriodSeconds string nil Configure time to wait until the pod is killed more
cronJob.concurrencyPolicy string "Allow" concurrency-policy
cronJob.failedJobsHistoryLimit int 1 jobs-history-limits
cronJob.job.activeDeadlineSeconds string nil job-termination-and-cleanup
cronJob.job.backoffLimit int 6 pod-backoff-failure-policy
cronJob.job.completions int 1 parallel-jobs
cronJob.job.parallelism int 1 parallel-jobs
cronJob.job.podRestartPolicy string "OnFailure" Supported values: "OnFailure", "Never"
cronJob.job.ttlSecondsAfterFinished string nil ttl-mechanism-for-finished-jobs
cronJob.schedule string "@daily" schedule
cronJob.startingDeadlineSeconds string nil starting-deadline
cronJob.successfulJobsHistoryLimit int 3 jobs-history-limits
cronJob.suspend bool false suspend
defaultIpPool bool false Use 192.168.x.x IP for the pod instead of reserved IPs for the application. It will be removed after moving to the NSXT clusters.
deployment.minReadySeconds int 0 min-ready-seconds
deployment.paused bool false paused
deployment.progressDeadlineSeconds int 600 progress-deadline-seconds
deployment.revisionHistoryLimit int 3 revision-history-limit
deployment.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge string "25%" max-surge
deployment.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable string "25%" max-unavailable
deployment.strategy.type string "RollingUpdate" strategy
env.configMap object {} environment variables stored in configmap See 'appEnvConfigMap' for configuring the ConfigMap object
env.normal object {"LOG_LEVEL_APP":"INFO","MANAGEMENT_PORT":9000,"SERVER_PORT":8000} Environment variable variables
env.secret object {} sensitive environment variables, if they should be. (It will be removed in future versions.) See 'appEnvSecret' for configuring the Secret object
env.vault object {} environment variables stored in vault See
extraInitContainers string nil Configure extra volume mounts for the init containers
extraVolumeMounts string nil Configure extra volume mounts for the application container
extraVolumes string nil Configure extra volumes for (init)containers
fullnameOverride string ""
global.serviceAccountName string "default" The name of the service account who runs the pod(s)
global.vaultAddress string "https://vault-dev.domain.tld" The address of HashiCorp Vault server
image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"nginx","tag":"latest"} Set the image properties of the application-container
imagePullSecrets list [{"name":"myregistrykey"}] Pull secret for K8S to get the image
ingress.enabled bool false Set ingerss object enabled
ingress.hosts list ["{{ .Release.Namespace }}"] List of ingress hosts
ingress.ingressClass string "{{ .Release.Namespace }}-ingress" Name of the ingressClass. Override only if your ingress controller uses different ingress class than the default by convention (NAMESPACE-ingress)
ingress.paths list [{"backend":{"serviceName":"{{ .Release.Namespace }}-service-name","servicePort":8000},"path":"/"}] List of ingress paths
metrics object {"enabled":true,"path":"/metrics","port":9000} Configure metrics for Prometheus
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {} Configure node selectors
podAnnotations object {} Configure annotations for the pod
replicaCount int 1 The number of desired replicas of the deployment
resources object {} Configure resources for the container and init-containers. Example: {"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"}}
service object {"port":8000,"type":"ClusterIP"} Configure service
tolerations list [] Configure tolerations


Kubernetes: >= 1.21.6

Source Code


Name Email Url
Zoltan Kadlecsik
Zoltan Vigh
Abraham Szilagyi
Zoltan Magyar

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.10.0


Helm Common library

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 90.7%Language:Smarty 5.7%Language:Mustache 3.3%Language:Shell 0.2%