This demo project shows how to use Dremio to query Apache Iceberg tables on ADLS, S3, or MINIO.
- Clone the project, cd into the directory and run
docker-compose up -d
. This will spin up jupyter notebook, dremio and minio. - Go to http://localhost:8888 and open the work/demo 1.ipynb notebook and run it.
- Once you have created a table and performed some operations, open http://localhost:9047 (username: dremio, password: dremio123) to login to Dremio and query the hive source. Minio can be browsed at http://localhost:9000 (username: minioadmin, password: minioadmin)
Install project with docker-compose
Step 1: Create or use an existing Azure Storage Account with Data Lake Storage, AWS S3 account or use the local MINIO provided
Step 2: Obtain storage your account secrect
Step 4: clone repo
git clone
cd IcebergDremio
Step 3: Copy conf/metastore-site-default.xml and rename to conf/metastore-site.xml Uncomment the type of storage you wish to use and fill in your account information
*Note on first run with Minio, it will automatically create a bucket with a account key and secret minioadmin:minioadmin
Step 4: Build and run
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Step 5: Jupyter Notebook
Login to your notebook from the web browser localhost:8888
Step 6: Create a copy of config-sample.ini as config.ini and update it with your values
In the work directory, modify config.ini with your settings. If you are using minio, no changes are needed.
If you wish to demo loading streaming data from an api such as the one used here you will need to obtain your own api keys.
- Open dremio by going to the url localhost:9047
- A default username and password dremio:dremio123 has been created already
- The Dremio startup script enables iceberg automatically as described here:
By default a Minio source has been created and added as well as the hive source. Steps to do so are outlined here:\
The default minio credentials are minioadmin:minioadmin
**When querying from the hive source, the catalog should be set to iceberg.catalog_type=hive (default)
**When using a file based source, the catalog should be set to iceberg.catalog_type=hadoop (default)
After Dremio is setup, you can begin querying Iceberg tables.
- By default Dremio Dremio will read the new Iceberg metadata file every 60 seconds.
- If a table does not show up when browsing a source, this may be due to metadata collection, either turn down the timer on the source, or query the new dataset directly in a new query window.
Work with Iceberg using Spark. I have simplified the configuration and setup of spark using the python file called When you wish to use spark, you can import and call the function within.
Demo 1:
- Begin working with the code to learn how to create spark tables and perform some operations.
Demo 2:
- Run micro batches to insert data into an iceberg tables
- While working with your iceberg tables, you can use Dremio to start query the results. Those results can then be used in external tools such as Tableau, Power BI, dbeaver, etc by connecting directly to Drmeio.
- Additionally you can build out a semantic layer in Dremio joining many datasets and providing your tools with a single view of the data.