ptigas / deep-active-inference-mc

Deep active inference agents using Monte-Carlo methods

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Deep active inference agents using Monte-Carlo methods

This source code release accompanies the manuscript:

Z. Fountas, N. Sajid, P. A.M. Mediano and K. Friston "Deep active inference agents using Monte-Carlo methods", arXiv:2006.04176.

which is accepted for presentation in NeurIPS 2020 and currently available in an online pre-print version. If you use this model or the dynamic dSprites environment in your work, please cite our pre-print.


For a quick overview see this video. In this work, we propose the deep neural architecture illustrated below, which can be used to train scaled-up active inference agents for continuous complex environments based on amortized inference, M-C tree search, M-C dropouts and top-down transition precision, that encourages disentangled latent representations.

We test this architecture on two tasks from the Animal-AI Olympics and a new simple object-sorting task based on DeepMind's dSprites dataset.

Demo behavior

Agent trained in the Dynamic dSprites environment Agent trained in the Animal-AI environment


  • Programming language: Python 3
  • Libraries: tensorflow >= 2.0.0, numpy, matplotlib, scipy, opencv-python
  • dSprites dataset.


  • Initially, make sure the required libraries are installed in your computer. Open a terminal and type
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then, clone this repository, navigate to the project directory and download the dSrpites dataset by typing

or by manually visiting the above URL.

  • To train an active inference agent to solve the dynamic dSprites task, type

This script will automatically generate checkpoints with the optimized parameters of the agent and store this checkpoints to a different sub-folder every 25 training iterations. The default folder that will contain all sub-folders is figs_final_model_0.01_30_1.0_50_10_5. The script will also generate a number of performance figures, also stored in the same folder. You can stop the process at any point by pressing Ctr+c.

  • Finally, once training has been completed, the performance of the newly-trained agent can be demonstrated in real-time by typing
python -n figs_final_model_0.01_30_1.0_50_10_5/checkpoints/ -m

This command will open a graphical interface which can be controlled by a number of keyboard shortcuts. In particular, press:

  • q or esc to exit the simulation at any point.
  • 1 to enable the MCTS-based full-scale active inference agent (enable by default).
  • 2 to enable the active inference agent that minimizes expected free energy calculated only for a single time-step into the future.
  • 3 to make the agent being controlled entirely by the habitual network (see manuscript for explanation)
  • 4 to activate manual mode where the agents are disabled and the environment can be manipulated by the user. Use the keys w, s, a or d to move the current object up, down, left or right respectively.
  • 5 to enable an agent that minimizes the terms a and b of equation 8 in the manuscript.
  • 6 to enable an agent that minimizes only the term a of the same equation (reward-seeking agent).
  • m to toggle the use of sampling in calculating future transitions.


  title={Deep active inference agents using Monte-Carlo methods},
  author={Fountas, Zafeirios and Sajid, Noor and Mediano, Pedro A.M. and Friston, Karl},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.04176},


Deep active inference agents using Monte-Carlo methods

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%