pteich / h5web-es6-boilerplate

HTML5 ES6 SASS Gulp Boilerplate for Websites

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Boilerplate for HTML5 ES6 (ES2015) Web Apps

Yet another boilerplate for HTML5 web apps. This time using ES6 (ECMAScript 6, ES2015) everywhere as well as SASS to superpower your styles and Gulp as your beloved task runner. It uses Browserify to bundle your Javascript dependencies so all you have to do is to import them as ES6-style module imports. I use this as a starting point for my web apps. Maybe you find it useful too.


This boilerplate comes with these pre-installed and ready to use features:

ES6 / ES2015

No reason to wait anymore, use ES6 and all its shiny nice features now! Classes, fat arrow functions, generators, promises and the new modules system can be used now using the great Babel transpiler that makes them available for ES5 that is supported in all modern browsers.


All source files belong to the src folder. The page itself is served off the public folder.

Gulp tasks deploy your compiled and packed styles (one styles.css) and scripts (app.js) to this public folder either uncompressed with sourcemaps as default or compressed and without sourcemaps for production (use --production argument to gulp tasks).


You need NodeJS and npm allready installed on your system. If you need help have a look at

Clone this repo and install als dependencies with this command:

npm install

After that execute gulp serve, point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and start adding and editing files in src.

Gulp Tasks

  • gulp serve - starts Browsersync and serves your app for testing in different browsers (default: http://localhost:3000, Browsersync-UI at http://localhost:3001), after changes on SCSS files and JS files in src or HTML files in public the page is automatically refreshed
  • gulp styles - compiles your SASS files and copies the result CSS file to public/css
  • gulp scripts - transpiles your ES6 scriptfiles in src/js, creates a package with all imported files as app.js in public/js

Add --production to any gulp task to activate production mode. In production mode all code will be minified and no sourcemaps are written.

Add Modules and Libraries

To add my dependencies I use npm - even for browser-only libraries, as npm is a great package manager and there is no need to use something like Bower. If your preferred library is not available as npm package or has no package.json you can use napa to install such packages from Git or add them manual to src/vendor.

But your are free to add Bower or jspm or another JS package manager to this boilerplate.

Javascript modules import

WIP coming soon


  • initial structure and dependencies [✓]
  • add Bourbon and sass-mq [✓]
  • default sass files [✓]
  • SASS styles gulp task [✓]
  • default HTML file [✓]
  • default javascript file [✓]
  • JS transpile browserify gulp task [✓]
  • Handlebars support [✓]
  • Browserify support for legacy libraries [✓]
  • browser-sync gulp task [✓]
  • add JS linting [ ]
  • add unit test runner [ ]
  • add code coverage reporting tasks [ ]
  • ...


HTML5 ES6 SASS Gulp Boilerplate for Websites


Language:CSS 54.0%Language:JavaScript 36.2%Language:HTML 9.8%