ptaylor2018 / Ravenholme

A collection of admin stuff for the Ravenholme sevtech minecraft server

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A collection of admin/rules stuff for the Ravenholme sevtech minecraft server




A team is a group of players that have their advancements linked together via a /tf command. For the purposes of these rules, solo players are their own team.


Common Sense should be your guiding force. Only do unto others as you would want done unto you.

  • Don't post the server IP where the public can see it.
  • Don't modify other people's bases without their permission.
  • Don't take anything and/or give anything from/to other teams without their permission.

Rule Enforcement

The server more or less runs on an honor system. If you think a rule has been borken, bring it up with a server admin.

Config changes and tweaks

  • Please download this config file (click link -> right click on page -> save as) and add it to your Curse/Minecraft/Instances/SevTech Ages/config/ directory. (it's for chisels and bits)
  • Do the same for this file.
  • It is recommended to install the Reauth mod on your client (it is client side only), as there can be issues with logging in that require you to restart your client (and that takes bloody forever). This mod make it so you don't have to do that.
  • The Immersive Engineer's manual can cause crashes with the native launcher. To avoid this, you can change over to the .jar minecraft launcher in the twitch settings.




A vein is a collection of resources that are spawned in using geolysis. An example would be a vein of hematite, with a sample on the surface and ore spawning underneath the samples. This is not a resource such as dark quartz ore, which spawns in a manner similar to vanilla, or clay, which spawn in changed due to quark.


A vein is considered claimed if a player has dug down in the chunk, and there is material left in that vein. (A sign indicating that it is claimed, in lieu of being dug down in, is acceptable.)


A vein is considered tapped if a player has dug down in the chunk and all materials in the vein have been excavated. A tapped vein is no longer claimed.


  1. Any Team can only have one of each type of material vein claimed at any particular point in time.

  2. If a team has claimed a vein, it is inappropriate to mine from that team's vein if you are not part of that team.

  3. A team can only claim a new vein if the have no other veins of that type claimed and they have a need for that type of material. A need for that material implies they either have less than a stack of the material in question or an actual demonstrable need for more than one vein of material at one time.

    For example, if the team has just finished mining an entire gold vein, it is inappropriate to claim a new one until most of that gold has been used. If a team has a specific use for the material and need it in so great a quantity they need to claim another vein, then it is appropriate to claim a new one.

Rule Enforcement

Like in general, the server more or less runs on an honor system. As a team, you should be able to determine on your own if you have a demonstrable need to claim another vein. Also as a team, you should be able to keep track of what veins are yours and not harvest from other teams' veins. If you think there is an issue, bring it up with one of the server ops.


Structures operate like veins, by and large. Only claim one at a time per team. Some specific examples are below

Ocean Monument

Please only claim one for your team at a time, but absolutely post a sign above sea level claiming it.

Shoggoth Lairs

(to be added after some server member deliberation)

Twilight Forest

The twilight forest has been split up into pie slices, like antartica. Stick to the slice that has been labeled for your team. Also, vein claiming applies in the twilight forest as well. (No, you cannot claim both as vein in the overworld and the twilight forest at the same time of the same material.)

The End


  1. As a kill of the ender dragon is needed for resources, each team is granted one 'free' kill of the ender dragon. Eventually, a command block will be implemented to automate this process, but for the time being, contact an admin to do so. If you need more kills after your first free one, the mods in the pack add ways to do so.
  2. Each kill of the ender dragon will generate a portal to areas of further End progression. Upon killing your ender dragon, put a sign on your portal to claim it as your own, and only use your own to get resources from those places.
  3. If necessary, The End may be reset for better distribution of resources. As such, do not do any major building in The End, as you may lose it all.

Miscellaneous Rules

  1. Do not use the Aevitas ore walker ability. It is broken. Don't do it.
  2. Do not place your AbyssalCraft charging altar in anybody else's chunk, as it will change the biome to darklands and that'll really 🦆 it up.
  3. Rubber tree planks are currently bugged (reference). If you need to craft any, until it is fixed, contact an admin to get the amount of planks you need and (on the honor system) destory the appropriate amount of logs.
  4. Graves are a little bit broken. If your grave is not where you expect it to be, please let Taryn know with your time of death (as accurate as you know it) and your time zone.


A collection of admin stuff for the Ravenholme sevtech minecraft server