ptahmose / czicompress-zeiss

Reduce the size of existing CZI-documents by converting them to zstd-compressed CZI documents

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License: MIT REUSE status CMake CodeQL MegaLinter

Reduce the size of existing CZI files by converting them to zstd-compressed CZI files.

Copies the content of a CZI-file into another CZI-file changing the compression of the image data. With the 'compress' command, uncompressed image data is converted to Zstd-compressed image data. With the 'decompress' command, compressed image data is converted to uncompressed data.

The tool is based on libczi.

Table of contents


We have not yet published any Releases. Meanwhile, you can download binaries from the artifacts of the latest Build workflow run. Click on the topmost successful run and download the binaries for your platform:

  • czicompress-windows-64-release-msvc-package-off for Windows
  • czicompress-ubuntu-release-llvm-package-off for Linux

Clicking on these artifacts will download a ZIP file with the executable. The executable is a stand-alone binary. You can put it anywhere you like.


Start the executable from the command line, providing the required command line arguments.

Usage: czicompress.exe [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help         Print this help message and exit

  -c,--command COMMAND
                    Specifies the mode of operation: 'compress' to convert to a
                    zstd-compressed CZI, 'decompress' to convert to a CZI
                    containing only uncompressed data.

  -i,--input SOURCE_FILE
                    The source CZI-file to be processed.

  -o,--output DESTINATION_FILE
                    The destination CZI-file to be written.

  -s,--strategy STRATEGY
                    Choose which subblocks of the source file are compressed.
                    STRATEGY can be one of 'all', 'uncompressed',
                    'uncompressed_and_zstd'. The default is 'uncompressed'.

  -t,--compression_options COMPRESSION_OPTIONS
                    Specify compression parameters. The default is

  -w,--overwrite    If the output file exists, try to overwrite it.

  --ignore_duplicate_subblocks BOOLEAN
                    If this option is enabled, the operation will ignore if
                    duplicate subblocks are encountered in the source document.
                    Otherwise, an error will be reported. The default is 'on'.

Copies the content of a CZI-file into another CZI-file changing the compression
of the image data.
With the 'compress' command, uncompressed image data is converted to
Zstd-compressed image data. This can reduce the file size substantially. With
the 'decompress' command, compressed image data is converted to uncompressed
For the 'compress' command, a compression strategy can be specified with the
'--strategy' option. It controls which subblocks of the source file will be
compressed. The source document may already contain compressed data (possibly
with a lossy compression scheme). In this case it is undesirable to compress the
data with lossless zstd, as that will almost certainly increase the file size.
Therefore, the "uncompressed" strategy compresses only uncompressed subblocks.
The "uncompressed_and_zstd" strategy compresses the subblocks that are
uncompressed OR compressed with Zstd, and the "all" strategy compresses all
subblocks, regardless of their current compression status. Some compression
schemes that can occur in a CZI-file cannot be decompressed by this tool. Data
compressed with such a scheme will be copied verbatim to the destination file,
regardless of the command and strategy chosen.


Single file

czicompress -c compress -i MyImage.czi -o MyImage.zstd.czi

Multiple files (bash shell)

  • Put czicompress on the PATH
export PATH="${PATH}:/dir/of/czicompress"
  • Put the following lines into a file called
echo -n "${f} -> ${output}: "
if [[ -f "$output" ]]
    echo "Output file already exists."
    rm -i "$output"

if [[ -f "$output" ]]
    exit 1
czicompress --command compress -i "$f" -o "$output"
if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]
    echo OK

exit $status
  • Then run
find -type f -name '*.czi' -not -iname '*.zstd.czi' -exec bash '{}' \;

Multiple files (Powershell)

  • Put czicompress on the PATH
$env:Path += ";/dir/of/czicompress"
  • Put the following lines into a file called czicompress.ps1:
  [string]$command = "compress",
  [string]$fileExtension = "czi",
  [string]$outputSuffix = ".zstd",
  [switch]$recursive = $false

$cziCompressExe = "czicompress.exe"

$filterString = "*.$($fileExtension)"

if ($recursive) {
  $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter $filterString -Recurse
} else {
  $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter $filterString

$files = $files | Where-Object {
  $_.Name -notlike "*$outputSuffix$filterString"

$files | ForEach-Object {
  $outFileName = "$($_.DirectoryName)\$($_.BaseName)$outputSuffix$($_.Extension)"
  Write-Host "$($_) -> $($outFileName)"
  if ((Test-Path -Path $outFileName)) {
	  Write-Host "Output file already exists... Removing"
	  Remove-Item $outFileName
  if ((Test-Path -Path $outFileName)) {
	  Write-Host "Unable to remove file"
	  # This will act as a continue because this code is executed as a script block and not like a classic for-each loop

  # The backticks here are to escape the double quotes which exist in case we have spaces in file path.
  $execArguments = "& $($cziCompressExe) -i `"$_`" -o `"$($outFileName)`" --command $($command)"
  iex $execArguments

exit 0
  • Then run
./czicompress.ps1 -Directory .

Build and Test

Build either with Visual Studio or with CMake in command line.


The CZICompress source codes are implemented using C++17 standard and can be compiled on Windows or Linux and with multiple compilers. You can compile codes by using IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVS), Visual Studio Code (VSCode) or any other IDE that works with CMake. Make sure that on your machine you have one of these tools:

Windows Linux
Build tool CMake CMake
Compilers MSVC GNU, LLVM
IDE MSVS, VSCode, CLion VSCode, CLion

Build in Visual Studio

To build czicompress in Microsoft Visual Studio (or in Visual Studio Code) follow these steps:

  1. Open czicompress folder in Visual Studio.
  2. In the Solution Explorer select CMakeLists.txt file and make right click.
  3. In the popped up menu select Configure czicompress (Configure All Projects in VSCode).
  4. When configuration is finished, right click on CMakeLists.txt and the popped up menu select Build (Build All Projects in the VSCode).

This configures and builds software using default compilers.

Build in command line

Quick build

On Windows or Linux platform, open the command line window in the cloned czicompress directory and type this to configure and build the sources:

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build -j 10

This configures Release build using system default compiler. After the build, for the Windows platform the czicompress.exe executable is located in the .\build\app\Release\ subdirectory of czicompress project directory and for the Linux it is located in the ./build/app/ subdirectory of czicompress project directory.

Build with preferred compiler

If you want to compile using a specific preferred compiler, either set environment variables CXX for the C++ compiler and CC for the C compiler, or specify compilers as cmake options.

Example 1: if you want to compile under Linux or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux with LLVM compilers, before configuring build with cmake set environment variables.

export CC=/usr/bin/clang && export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
cmake -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Example 2: set the preferred C/C++ compilers as cmake options


When the configuration is finished, make a build and via parameter -j specify the number of parallel jobs you want to run:

cmake --build ./build --config Release -j 10

After the build, the czicompress executable will be in ./build/app/czicompress.


After the build, run the tests by executing ./build/tests/czicompress_tests.

Known issues

When compiling in Visual Studio for the first time, you may need to double compile. The Visual Studio is using "Ninja" for building and for some reason it is reporting a linker error LINK: Fatal error LNK1168: cannot open app\czicompress.exe for writing despite the fact that the czicompress.exe is created.


Code of Conduct


For czicompress the semantic versioning scheme 2.0 is to be applied. The version number is defined in the top-level CMakeLists.txt. This is the only place where the version number is defined. When making changes, this version number needs to be updated accordingly. For determining whether a change is a breaking one, the source code level is decisive; i.e. not binary compatibility (of the resulting static or dynamic library) is to be considered, but the case of re-compiling with the changed sources. A borderline case are maybe changes in the CMake-files - here the best judgement is to be applied whether a change in the compilation result will occur.


Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH provides czicompress under the MIT License.

Credits to Third Party Components

As part of our CI/CD, the following 3rd party components are re-distributed:


ZEISS, are registered trademarks of Carl Zeiss AG.


Reduce the size of existing CZI-documents by converting them to zstd-compressed CZI documents

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 89.5%Language:CMake 8.2%Language:C 2.2%