psurma / dynamo-backup-to-s3

Stream DynamoDB backups to S3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


dynamo to s3

Stream DynamoDB backups to S3.

dynamo-backup-to-s3 is a utility to stream DynamoDB data to S3. Since the data is streamed directly from DynamoDB to S3 it is suitable for copying large tables directly. Tables are copied in parallel.

Can be run as a command line script or as an npm module.

Command line usage

  Usage: dynamo-backup-to-s3 [options]


    -h, --help                       output usage information
    -V, --version                    output the version number
    -b, --bucket <name>              S3 bucket to store backups
    -s, --stop-on-failure            specify the reporter to use
    -r, --read-percentage <decimal>  specific the percentage of Dynamo read capacity to use while backing up. default .25 (25%)
    -x, --excluded-tables <list>     exclude these tables from backup
    -i, --included-tables <list>     only backup these tables
    -p, --backup-path <name>         backup path to store table dumps in. default is DynamoDB-backup-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss
    -e, --base64-encode-binary       if passed, encode binary fields in base64 before exporting
    -d, --save-datapipeline-format   save in format compatible with the AWS datapipeline import. Default to false (save as exported by DynamoDb)
    -f, --save-schema                save table schema. Default to false
    --aws-key                        AWS access key. Will use AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env var if --aws-key not set
    --aws-secret                     AWS secret key. Will use AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env var if --aws-secret not set
    --aws-region                     AWS region. Will use AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env var if --aws-region not set

npm module usage

Quick Example

var DynamoBackup = require('dynamo-backup-to-s3');

var backup = new DynamoBackup({
    excludedTables: ['development-table1', 'development-table2'],
    readPercentage: .5,
    bucket: 'my-backups',
    stopOnFailure: true,
    base64Binary: true,
    saveSchema: true,
    awsAccessKey: /* AWS access key */,
    awsSecretKey: /* AWS secret key */,
    awsRegion: /* AWS region */

backup.on('error', function(data) {
    console.log('Error backing up ' + data.table);

backup.on('start-backup', function(tableName, startTime) {
    console.log('Starting to copy table ' + tableName);

backup.on('end-backup', function(tableName, backupDuration) {
    console.log('Done copying table ' + tableName);

backup.backupAllTables(function() {
    console.log('Finished backing up DynamoDB');



var options = {
    excludedTables: /* tables to exclude from backup */,
    includedTables: /* only back up these tables */
    readPercentage: /* only consume this much capacity.  expressed as a decimal (i.e. .5 means use 50% of table read capacity).  default: .25 */,
    bucket:         /* bucket to upload the backup to */,
    stopOnFailure:  /* whether or not to continue backing up if a single table fails to back up */,
    saveDataPipelineFormat   /* save in format compatible with the AWS datapipeline import. Default to false (save as exported by DynamoDb) */,
    saveSchema:     /* save table schema */,
    awsAccessKey:   /* AWS access key */,
    awsSecretKey:   /* AWS secret key */,
    awsRegion:      /* AWS region */,
    backupPath:     /* folder to save backups in.  default: 'DynamoDB-backup-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss',
    base64Binary:   /* whether or not to base64 encode binary data before saving to JSON */

var backup = new DynamoBackup(options);



Raised when there is an error backing up a table


backup.on('error', function(data) {
    console.log('Error backing up ' + data.tableName);


Raised when the backup of a table is begining


backup.on('start-backup', function(tableName) {
    console.log('Starting to copy table ' + tableName);


Raised when the backup of a table is finished


backup.on('end-backup', function(tableName) {
    console.log('Done copying table ' + tableName);



Backups all tables in the given region while respecting the excludedTables and includedTables options


  • callback(err) - callback which is called when all backups are complete, or an error occurs and stopOnFailure is true


Backups all tables in the given region while respecting the excludedTables and includedTables options


  • tableName - name of the table to backup
  • backupPath - (optional) the path to use for the backup. The iterator is passed a callback(err) which must be called once it has completed. If no error has occurred, the callback should be run without arguments or with an explicit null argument.
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when the table has finished backing up, or an error occurs


s3 to dynamo

Restore S3 backups back to Dynamo.

dynamo-restore-from-s3 is a utility that restores backups in S3 back to dynamo. It streams data down from S3 and throttles the download speed to match the rate of batch writes to Dynamo.

It is suitable for restoring large tables without needing to write to disk or use a large amount of memory. Use it on an AWS EC2 instance for best results and to minimise network latency.

Can be run as a command line script or as an npm module.

Command line usage

  Usage: dynamo-restore-from-s3 [options] -s "s3://mybucket/path/to/file.json" -t "new-dynamodb-table"


    -h, --help                        output usage information
    -V, --version                     output the version number
    -s, --source [path]               Full S3 path to a JSON backup file (Required)
    -f, --restoreSchema [path]        Full S3 path to a JSON schema backup file
    -t, --table [name]                Name of the Dynamo Table to restore to (Required)
    -c, --concurrency <requestcount>  Number of concurrent requests to run in paralell. Defaults to 25.
    -pk, --partitionkey [columnname]  Name of Primary Partition Key. If not provided will try determine from backup.
    -sk, --sortkey [columnname]       Name of Secondary Sort Key. Ignored unless --partitionkey is provided.
    -rc, --readcapacity <units>       Read Units for new table (when finished). Default is 5.
    -wc, --writecapacity <units>      Write Units for new table (when finished). Default is 5.
    -sf, --stop-on-failure            Stop process when the same batch fails to restore 3 times. Defaults to false.
    --aws-key <key>                   AWS access key. Will use AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env var if --aws-key not set
    --aws-secret <secret>             AWS secret key. Will use AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env var if --aws-secret not set
    --aws-region <region>             AWS region. Will use AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env var if --aws-region not set

npm module usage

Quick Example

var DynamoRestore = require('dynamo-backup-to-s3').Restore;

var dynamoRestore = new DynamoRestore({
    source: 's3://my-backups/DynamoDB-backup-2016-09-28-15-36-40/acme-customers-prod.json',
    table: 'acme-customers-dev',
    concurrency: 50,
    partitionkey: 'customerId',
    readcapacity: 1,
    writecapacity: 1,
    awsAccessKey: /* AWS access key */,
    awsSecretKey: /* AWS secret key */,
    awsRegion: /* AWS region */

dynamoRestore.on('error', function(data) {
    console.log('Error backing up ' + data.table);

dynamoRestore.on('send-batch', function(batches, requests, streamMeta) {
    console.log('Batch sent. %d in flight. %d Mb remaining to download...', requests, streamMeta.RemainingLength / (1024 * 1024));
}); {
    console.log('Finished restoring DynamoDB table');


Stream DynamoDB backups to S3

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%