steam(VR)punk waiting for wankunder(wear) to dry.'s repositories
interesting academic reads, as well as programming assignments from various books (coming soon...and no, soon will not be defined here),e.t.c.
Don't get offend3d (or do, it's up to you) by what you don't know, take comfort that others learn from our own self-inflicted tragedies, even if we don't (tune into mn mn - the nobodies (acoustic version), the next time you consider physically attended formal education). for storing random files and visible readme.
other, mostly, non-softwarelated artwork from (but not necessarily by) yet another individual who want3D to take their internet history to the grave of the fireflies with them, after all of "this" fakenetorare (shhh, amongst other genres for animation styleducational purposes) consumed through skullcandy earphones (e.g. dans la hôpital or 在休息站).
Only works within solar2d. Looks like the files vanished (2Breplaced one day), not formally working withe water company anymore anyway, even got locked out the website. Further work might be continued after inhabiting VHS cassette taped off crime scenes (where forensics is useful), or other completely normal things. #kornfallingawayfromm3