pskishere / mobx-observable-history

History.js wrapper with observable location and reactive URLSearchParams

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MobX & History.js make some ♡

History.js wrapper with observable location and reactive URLSearchParams


  • NPM npm i mobx-observable-history
  • Yarn yarn add mobx-observable-history


When work on projects mobx it feels natural to use reactivity everywhere.


  • convenient api to manage current location's state
  • observable history.location and history.action
  • observable history.searchParams which is URLSearchParams object with some extras
  • compatible with react-router


import { autorun, reaction, comparer } from "mobx"
import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";
import { createObservableHistory } from "mobx-observable-history"

const browserHistory = createBrowserHistory();
const navigation = createObservableHistory(browserHistory);

// Reacting to any location change
autorun(() => {
  const {pathname, search, hash} = navigation.location
  console.log("LOCATION", {pathname, search, hash})

// Reacting to partial location change
reaction(() => navigation.location.pathname, page => {
  console.log("PAGE", page)

// Reacting to multiple values of one search param, e.g. ?y=1&y=2
reaction(() => navigation.searchParams.getAll("y"), params => {
  console.log("Y", params) // params is ["1", "2"]
}, {
  fireImmediately: true,
  equals: comparer.shallow

// Partial updates
navigation.location.pathname = "/path"  // push history to new location, same as navigation.merge("/path") = "?x=1" // `?` can be omitted
navigation.location.hash = "#y" // `#` can be omitted
navigation.merge({pathname: "/path", search: "z=3"}) // push history to new location 
navigation.merge("/path?search=text", true); // replace history with merged location  
navigation.searchParams.delete("x") // remove all ?x=1&x=.. from search params
navigation.searchParams.set("y", "2") // remove previous all ?y=1&y=2&y=etc. and set to single value


history.getPath(): string

Get observable current location string (pathname + search + hash)


autorun(() => console.log("PATH", history.getPath()))

history.merge(location: string | object, replace?: boolean): void

Merging current location (pathname and/or search-params and/or hash)


history.merge({pathname: "/test"})       // history.push + merge
history.merge({pathname: "/test"}, true) // history.replace + merge

history.destroy(): History

Destroy and return underlying history.js object.


Standard URLSearchParams object with following extra goodies:

  • searchParams.getAsArray(name: string, splitter = ","): string[]

    Parse first search param from searchParams.get(name) as array.

    Examples: = "?x=1-2-3"
    history.searchParams.getAsArray("x", "-") // ["1","2","3"] = "?x="+ [4,5].join(",")
    history.searchParams.getAsArray("x") // ["4","5"]
  • searchParams.merge(params: object, options?: { joinArrays?, joinArraysWith?, skipEmptyValues? })

    Partial updates of current search params. Second optional argument options has 3 params:

    • joinArrays join array values of single param, merge({x: [1,2]}) => x=1,2 (default: true)
    • joinArraysWith (default: ",")
    • skipEmptyValues skip empty values (null, undefined, '') and don't add empty params like &x= (default: true)

    Examples: = "x=1&x=2&y=3&z=4"
    history.searchParams.merge({z: ["a", "b", "c"], x: null}) // y=3&z=a,b,c  
    history.searchParams.merge({z: ["a", "b", "c"], x: null}, {joinArrays: false}) // y=3&z=a&z=b&z=c  
    history.searchParams.merge({x: ""}, {skipEmptyValues: false}) // y=3&z=4&x=
  • searchParams.copyWith(params: object, options?: { joinArrays?, joinArraysWith?, skipEmptyValues? })

    Creates copy of search-params. Usable for building query strings based on current location. Second argument options has same definition as in merge() above since it uses copyWith() under the hood.

    Examples: = `?namespace=default&context=other`
    history.searchParams.copyWith({namespace: "other"}).toString()
  • searchParams.toString(options?: { withPrefix?, encoder? })

    Modified version of standard toString() with possibility to customize output:

    • withPrefix adds ? prefix to string output (default: false)
    • encoder function to encode param values (default: window.encodeURI)

    Examples: = `?x=1&context=/test`
    history.searchParams.toString({withPrefix: true}) // ?x=1&context=/test 
    history.searchParams.toString({encoder: encodeURIComponent}) // x=1&context=%2Ftest 




History.js wrapper with observable location and reactive URLSearchParams


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