psalami / swift-sodium

Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sodium Carthage compatible

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Swift-Sodium provides a safe and easy to use interface to perform common cryptographic operations on iOS and OSX.

It leverages the Sodium library, and although Swift is the primary target, the framework can also be used in Objective C.


Add Sodium.framework as a dependency to your project, and import the module:

import Sodium

The Sodium library itself doesn't have to be installed on the system: the repository already includes a precompiled library for armv7, armv7s, arm64, as well as for the iOS simulator.

It targets Swift 3, introduced in Xcode 8.0.

The libsodium-ios.a file has been generated by the dist-build/ script. The libsodium-osx.a file has been generated by the dist-build/ script.

Running these scripts on Xcode 8.3.3 (8E3004b) on the revision 553042249b9875de73a54b9f4cc2d65fe6552d39 of libsodium generates files identical to the ones present in this repository.

Public-key Cryptography

Authenticated Encryption

let sodium = Sodium()!
let aliceKeyPair =!
let bobKeyPair =!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!

let encryptedMessageFromAliceToBob: Data = message,
                    recipientPublicKey: bobKeyPair.publicKey,
                    senderSecretKey: aliceKeyPair.secretKey)!

let messageVerifiedAndDecryptedByBob = encryptedMessageFromAliceToBob,
                    senderPublicKey: aliceKeyPair.publicKey,
                    recipientSecretKey: bobKeyPair.secretKey)

seal() automatically generates a nonce and prepends it to the ciphertext. open() extracts the nonce and decrypts the ciphertext.

Optionally, Box provides the ability to utilize a user-defined nonce via seal(message: recipientPublicKey: senderSecretKey: nonce:).

The Box class also provides alternative functions and parameters to deterministically generate key pairs, to retrieve the nonce and/or the authenticator, and to detach them from the original message.

Anonymous Encryption (Sealed Boxes)

let sodium = Sodium()!
let bobKeyPair =!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!

let encryptedMessageToBob = message, recipientPublicKey: bobKeyPair.publicKey)!

let messageDecryptedByBob = encryptedMessageToBob,
                    recipientPublicKey: bobKeyPair.publicKey,
                    recipientSecretKey: bobKeyPair.secretKey)

seal() generates an ephemeral keypair, uses the ephemeral secret key in the encryption process, combines the ephemeral public key with the ciphertext, then destroys the keypair. The sender can not decrypt the resulting ciphertext. open() extracts the public key and decrypts using the recipient's secret key. Message integrity is verified, but the sender's identity cannot be correlated to the ciphertext.

Public-key signatures

Detached signatures

let sodium = Sodium()!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let keyPair = sodium.sign.keyPair()!
let signature = sodium.sign.signature(message: message, secretKey: keyPair.secretKey)!
if sodium.sign.verify(message: message,
                      publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
                      signature: signature) {
    // signature is valid

Attached signatures

let sodium = Sodium()!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let keyPair = sodium.sign.keyPair()!
let signedMessage = sodium.sign.sign(message: message, secretKey: keyPair.secretKey)!
if let unsignedMessage = signedMessage, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey) {
    // signature is valid

Secret-key authenticated encryption

let sodium = Sodium()!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let secretKey = sodium.secretBox.key()!
let encrypted: Data = sodium.secretBox.seal(message: message, secretKey: secretKey)!
if let decrypted = encrypted, secretKey: secretKey) {
    // authenticator is valid, decrypted contains the original message


Deterministic hashing

let sodium = Sodium()!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let h = sodium.genericHash.hash(message: message)

Keyed hashing

let sodium = Sodium()!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let key = "Secret key".data(using:.utf8)!
let h = sodium.genericHash.hash(message: message, key: key)


let sodium = Sodium()!
let message1 = "My Test ".data(using:.utf8)!
let message2 = "Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let key = "Secret key".data(using:.utf8)!
let stream = sodium.genericHash.initStream(key: key)!
stream.update(input: message1)
stream.update(input: message2)
let h =

Short-output hashing (SipHash)

let sodium = Sodium()!
let message = "My Test Message".data(using:.utf8)!
let key = sodium.randomBytes.buf(length: sodium.shortHash.KeyBytes)!
let h = sodium.shortHash.hash(message: message, key: key)

Random numbers generation

let sodium = Sodium()!
let randomData = sodium.randomBytes.buf(length: 1000)!
let seed = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef".data(using:.utf8)!
let stream = sodium.randomBytes.deterministic(length: 1000, seed: seed)!

Password hashing

Using Argon2i:

let sodium = Sodium()!
let password = "Correct Horse Battery Staple".data(using:.utf8)!
let hashedStr = sodium.pwHash.str(passwd: password,
                                  opsLimit: sodium.pwHash.OpsLimitInteractive,
                                  memLimit: sodium.pwHash.MemLimitInteractive)!

if sodium.pwHash.strVerify(hash: hashedStr, passwd: password) {
    // Password matches the given hash string
} else {
    // Password doesn't match the given hash string

Key exchange

let sodium = Sodium()!
let aliceKeyPair = sodium.keyExchange.keyPair()!
let bobKeyPair = sodium.keyExchange.keyPair()!

let sessionKeyPairForAlice = sodium.keyExchange.sessionKeyPair(publicKey: aliceKeyPair.publicKey,
    secretKey: aliceKeyPair.secretKey, otherPublicKey: bobKeyPair.publicKey, side: .client)!
let sessionKeyPairForBob = sodium.keyExchange.sessionKeyPair(publicKey: bobKeyPair.publicKey,
    secretKey: bobKeyPair.secretKey, otherPublicKey: aliceKeyPair.publicKey, side: .server)!

let aliceToBobKeyEquality = sodium.utils.equals(sessionKeyPairForAlice.tx, sessionKeyPairForBob.xx) // true
let bobToAliceKeyEquality = sodium.utils.equals(sessionKeyPairForAlice.rx, sessionKeyPairForBob.tx) // true


Zeroing memory

let sodium = Sodium()!
var dataToZero = "Message".data(using:.utf8)!

Constant-time comparison

let sodium = Sodium()!
let secret1 = "Secret key".data(using:.utf8)!
let secret2 = "Secret key".data(using:.utf8)!
let equality = sodium.utils.equals(secret1, secret2)

Constant-time hexadecimal encoding

let sodium = Sodium()!
let data = "Secret key".data(using:.utf8)!
let hex = sodium.utils.bin2hex(data)

Hexadecimal decoding

let sodium = Sodium()!
let data1 = sodium.utils.hex2bin("deadbeef")
let data2 = sodium.utils.hex2bin("de:ad be:ef", ignore: " :")

Helpers to build custom constructions

Only use the functions below if you know that you absolutely need them, and know how to use them correctly.

Unauthenticated encryption

The function combines (using the XOR operation) an arbitrary-long input with the output of a deterministic key stream derived from a key and a nonce. The same operation applied twice produces the original input.

No authentication tag is added to the output. The data can be tampered with; an adversary can flip arbitrary bits.

In order to encrypt data using a secret key, the SecretBox class is likely to be what you are looking for.

In order to generate a deterministic stream out of a seed, the RandomBytes.deterministic_rand() function is likely to be what you need.

let sodium = Sodium()!
let input = "test".data(using:.utf8)!
let key =!;
let (output, nonce) = input, secretKey: key)!
let twice = output, nonce: nonce, secretKey: key)!

XCTAssertEqual(input, twice)


Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS

License:ISC License


Language:C 54.4%Language:Swift 44.0%Language:C++ 0.9%Language:Ruby 0.4%Language:Objective-C 0.2%