provotum / node-rs

Universal Cast-as-Intended verifiable e-voting on a permissioned blockchain

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node_rs provides a binary to run a binary vote on a permissioned blockchain.

[WIP] This library is still work in progress and not audited in any way. Use at your own risk.


Run a node of a permissioned e-voting blockchain

    node_rs [FLAGS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -V, --version      Prints version information
    -v, --verbosity    Turn up the verbosity of the log output

    help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    start    Start a new node


Please note the requirements below for a successful setup of the network.


In order to run a node of a permissioned blockchain, a configuration for the network must be configured. Consistently with other blockchains, this configuration is defining the hash of the initial block. It is stored in the same directory as the binary is located and must be called genesis.json.

An example of such a file can look like the following:

  "version": "0.1.0",
  "clique": {
    "block_period": 15,
    "signer_limit": 2
  "sealer": [


  • version: Version specifies the version of the blockchain binary which is used.
  • clique: This blockchain uses a simplified implementation of the Clique protocol as initially proposed to the Ethereum blockchain as Proof-of-Authority sybil control mechanism.
    • block_period: This is the period until a new block is generated
    • signer_limit: How many epochs a node must wait until its his turn again to mint a new block
  • sealer: A set of IPv4 addresses of nodes which form the network.

Note: In order to let multiple nodes build a network successfully, this configuration must be equal, as its hash is used in the Genesis block. Nodes with different genesis files (even a single empty line) will not build a canonical chain!

Public Key

In order to count encrypted votes in a homomorphic fashion, each node needs a copy of the same public key. A keypair can be generated using the binary of generator_rs. The obtained copy of a public key must be stored in public_key.json in the same directory as the binary.

Public UCIV

Allowing a voter to be sure, that his encrypted vote still represents his actual voting choice is known as individual cast-as-intended verifiability. Allowing anyone to proof that each vote represents what a voter intended it to be, is called universal cast-as-intended verifiability (UCIV) according to this paper.

This blockchain aims at providing UCIV by utilizing a zero-knowledge proof. In order to verify that each vote is indeed cast as intended, you further need to provide a public_uciv.json file in the same directory as the binary is invoked. As the public key, this information can be generated using generator_rs.

Running a permissioned Voting network

Now, once you have met the requirements stated above, you can start the permissioned voting blockchain. To let the nodes reach consensus in an early stage, follow the procedure outlined below:

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

This example requires to have genesis.json setup as in the above example.

  1. Start your first node by running node_rs -v start -s The flag -v will let you output debug information, increase the verbosity using -vv to also show more detailed statements. -s tells the node to start minting blocks. Provide as first argument the first IP address of the sealer key of genesis.json. Specify as second argument any IPv4 address on which the node will listen for RPC connections of a client.

  2. Important: Let the node mint the first block until you start a further one!

    Start your second node, this time by adding the flags -p to the command, yielding node_rs -v start -s -p -p will tell the node to first obtain a copy of the already running nodes. If their canonical chain are longer, they will replace the chain of the node you've just started. Note: You will likely some warning output, telling you that connection attempts to other nodes failed. This is expected, as currently you've not yet started all nodes which are defined in the genesis.json.

  3. Important: Let the second node mint the second block until you start a further one!

    Eventually, after the first two nodes have exchanged their initial blocks, you are ready to start the third one. For that, run node_rs -v start -s -p

That's it, now you should see new blocks being minted every block_period seconds.

Submitting Data to the Voting blockchain

In order to submit votes to the chain, please refer to the readme of client_rs.


See LICENSE in this repository.


Universal Cast-as-Intended verifiable e-voting on a permissioned blockchain

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%