Provider Corner (provider-corner)

Provider Corner


Geek Repo

A place for public OpenSSL provider modules, including demos and lessons. This is NOT part of the OpenSSL organization.

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Provider Corner's repositories


A toy provider implementing an expanded vigenere cipher, to serve as a programming example



Provider library - a library of small helpers. These may or may not become part of OpenSSL at some point



The provider corner collects providers for OpenSSL 3.0 and beyond. Some of the providers have repositories here, others are elsewhere. In this repository, you may find further info, such as a list of other projects that make their own provider modules.



An extra provider for OpenSSL 3, with stuff that doesn't exist there for diverse reasons, ranging from having fallen so much out of favor that it isn't included even in the legacy provider, to stuff that is too experimental, or needs to mature further before inclusion in OpenSSL's official providers
