prouast / video-sensor-processing

Import and processing of video sensor data for intake gesture recognition. Support for OREBA dataset.

Repository from Github https://github.comprouast/video-sensor-processingRepository from Github https://github.comprouast/video-sensor-processing


Processing of video sensor data from the OREBA dataset for intake gesture detection. Convert video files and labels to tfrecord format.

Prepare data for TensorFlow

We use .tfrecord files to feed data into TensorFlow. This includes TV-L1 optical flow, which is stored in the file alongside with raw frames and labels. A dependency due to optical flow calculation is opencv.


Make sure that all requirements are fulfilled

$ brew install opencv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then call, pointing to the recordings directory for OREBA-DIS or OREBA-SHA.

$ python --src_dir=OREBA_Dataset_Public_1_0/oreba_dis/recordings

The following flags can be set:

Argument Description Default
--src_dir Recordings directory OREBA_Dataset_Public_1_0/oreba_dis/recordings
--exp_dir Directory for data export Export
--dataset Which dataset is used {OREBA-DIS or OREBA-SHA} OREBA-DIS
--label_spec Filename of label specification label_spec/OREBA_only_intake.xml
--label_spec_inherit Inherit label specification for sublabels (if label not included, always keep sublabels as Idle) True
--resolution Resolution of the video {140p or 250p} 140p
--exp_fps Store video frames using this framerate (In fps; Should be able to divide original framerate by this) 8
--exp_optical_flow Calculate optical flow False
--organise_data If True, organise data in train, valid, test subfolders False
--organise_dir Directory to copy train, val and test sets using data organiser Organised
--organise_subfolders Create sub folder per each file in validation and test set False

Label specfication

Control what labels are included by selecting or editing the appropriate label_spec file. Templates are available in the label_spec directory.


Import and processing of video sensor data for intake gesture recognition. Support for OREBA dataset.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%