prosapient / spandex_phoenix

Phoenix Instrumentation tracer

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Phoenix and Plug integrations for the Spandex tracing library.


Add spandex_phoenix to your dendencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:spandex_phoenix, "~> 1.0.5"}

Configure it to use your desired Spandex.Tracer module in config.exs:

config :spandex_phoenix, tracer: MyApp.Tracer

Usage: Phx >= 1.5 (Telemetry)

Upgrade Note: If you're updating your SpandexPhoenix code from using it with previous versions of Pheonix, you must first remove all the code detailed in Usage: Plug & Phx < 1.5 before following telemetry installation instructions below.

SpandexPhoenix supports using Phoenix 1.5's Telemetry events to create spans for Phoenix.Controller timing, with the resource name set to the controller action.

To attach Spandex.Telemetry's event handlers, call Spandex.Telemetry.install/{0,1} during your application's startup:

defmodule MyApp.Application do
  def start(_, _) do
    # ...
    # ...

See Spandex.Telemetry.install/1 documentation for event handler options.

Usage: Plug & Phx < 1.5

Add use SpandexPhoenix to the appropriate module. This will "wrap" the module with tracing and error-reporting via Spandex.

Phoenix integration:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
  use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
  use SpandexPhoenix

  # ...

If you use Phoenix, you don't need to use the following integration most likely, otherwise, you get the error messages like

[error] Tried to start a trace over top of another trace

Plug integration:

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router
  use SpandexPhoenix

  # ...

Customizing Traces

Traces can be customized and filtered by passing options to the use SpandexPhoenix macro. See the documentation for SpandexPhoenix for more information.

Integrating with Phoenix Instrumentation

If you are using Phoenix and you configure SpandexPhoenix.Instrumenter in your Phoenix instrumenters list, you will automatically get spans created for Phoenix.Controller and Phoenix.View timing, with the resource set to the name of the controller action or view name.

Note that this should be used in addition to the use SpandexPhoenix macro to start the trace and top-level span, as the instrumenter only creates child spans, assuming that the trace will already have been created.

Configure your Phoenix Endpoint to use this library as one of its instrumenters:

config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
  # ... existing config ...
  instrumenters: [SpandexPhoenix.Instrumenter]

More details can also be found in the docs on Hexdocs.


Phoenix Instrumentation tracer

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%