pronoiac / mediawiki_on_pws

Installing Mediawiki on Pivotal Web Services

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Installing Mediawiki on Pivotal Web Services

About this page

This is a rough draft, written for someone with a lot of context about using Cloud Foundry.


Download the latest stable Mediawiki and unpack it. Remove the /vendor directory; it's better handled by Composer.

I've included in this repo a composer.lock for Mediawiki 1.28.2, and a cf manifest sample. Copy those into the Mediawiki folder.

Rename the manifest sample into manifest.yml, and edit the placeholder values for the wiki host and name.

You should be able to cf push now, go to the https page, and be able to start entering configuration details.

Database setup

We're going to bind a database to the wiki app, and pry the details out of it just long enough for Mediawiki to set up the database.

Let's attach a cleardb database. I chose that because it looked like the only MySQL / MariaDB offering that was free.

cf create-service cleardb spark jameswikidb
cf bind-service jameswiki jameswikidb

Ok, let's try Postgres instead, because I'm getting size complaints from cleardb.

cf create-service elephantsql turtle jameswikidb
cf bind-service jameswiki jameswikidb

Ah, a new Mediawiki setup squeaks in just below the 5mb cutoff for cleardb. ElephantSQL has a more gracious 20mb cutoff for free accounts.

Wiki setup

We'll use details from cf env jameswiki to set up the wiki database.

cleardb / mysql

Specifically under VCAP_SERVICES.cleardb.credentials on the wiki setup:

  • Database host: hostname
  • Database name: name
  • Database table prefix: you can make one up, like jameswiki
  • Database username: username
  • Database password: password

ElephantSQL / postgres

The details we need are under VCAP_SERVICES.elephantsql.credentials.uri. The syntax: postgres://(username):(password)@(hostname):5432/(database name)

Further wiki setup

If you let the wiki install ask more questions, you can:

  • make it a private wiki.
  • email is on by default. This might not work as-is, or be a good idea.
  • enable file uploads - this is disabled by default, and is tricky on cf.
  • ... continue. it will give you a LocalSettings.php file to download.

Tweak LocalSettings.php

This is a Day Two sorta thing: nice to have, but not crucial.

We can tweak LocalSettings.php to handle service creds rotation and move out secrets.

Copy LocalSettings.php into the Mediawiki folder. Edit it, along with the manifest.

Replace the ## Database settings section:

$url = parse_url(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));

$wgDBtype = "mysql"; # or "postgres", as appropriate
$wgDBserver = $url["host"];
$wgDBname = substr($url["path"], 1);
$wgDBuser = $url["user"];
$wgDBpassword = $url["pass"];

While we're at it, we can move the values for wgSecretKey and wgUpgradeKey into the manifest. Manually copy them over, and replace them in LocalSettings.php with:

$wgSecretKey = getenv("SECRET_KEY");
$wgUpgradeKey = getenv("UPGRADE_KEY");

Update the app

After that, cf push should put the config in place, and the wiki should be usable. You should make a new user so you're not always running as admin: Log in as Admin, hit the sidebar's "Tools / Special Pages," and see "Login / Create account", "Create account."

And then it's all success and unicorns and rainbows.


Preserve LocalSettings.php and the manifest.

Updating the composer files

Download the new Mediawiki version tarball locally and unpack it. (Git would be nicer, but the repo lacks skins by default.) Remove the /vendor directory, to avoid confusing composer.

Install composer, if you don't have it already:

curl -sS | php

That will put an executable composer.phar in the current directory.

To make the new composer.lock, run ./composer.phar update.



Installing Mediawiki on Pivotal Web Services