programmingwithbangal / RestApiTesting.Framework.Leopard

This is a RESTful API testing Framework using Java, Maven, JUnit, REST Assured and Jackson to test JSONPlaceholder REST API.

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This is a RESTful API testing Framework using Java, Maven, JUnit, REST Assured and Jackson to test JSONPlaceholder REST API.

Project Natures


Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.


JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.


JSONPlaceholder is a free online REST API that you can use whenever you need some fake data. It's great for tutorials, testing new libraries, sharing code examples.

Routes Tested

The following HTTP methods are tested:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

REST Assured

Testing and validating REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain.


Jackson is a high-performance JSON processor for Java. Its developers extol the combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic attributes of the library.

Integrated Development Environment

Eclipse IDE is used to develop this Framework.

Run Tests

  • Open file in Eclipse: ..\RestApiTesting.Framework.Leopard\src\test\java\runner\
  • Right click => Run As
  • JUnit Test


  • Alt + Shift + X, T

Run Tests with JUnit Explorer

  • Window => Show View => Other... (Alt + Shift + Q, Q)
  • Java => JUnit
  • Right click on runner.TestRunner
  • Run

Run Tests with Command Prompt/Windows PowerShell

  • Open Folder in File Explorer: ..\RestApiTesting.Framework.Leopard (where you have the "pom.xml" file)
  • Open Command Prompt/Windows PowerShell
  • Run "mvn clean test"

Notes ('mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command)