progapandist / komponent

An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components

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Komponent implements an opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components.

Each component has its own folder, containing a Ruby module, a slim partial, a PostCSS stylesheet and a JavaScript file.

Komponent relies heavily on webpacker to manage dependencies and generate the production JS and CSS files.

This gem has been inspired by our Rails development practices at Ouvrages and Etamin Studio, and the (excellent) Modern Front-end in Rails article from Evil Martians.

Getting started

# Gemfile

gem "komponent"

Run the following command to set up your project instantly:

rails generate komponent:install

This command will:

  • check that the dependencies (currently, webpacker) are installed
  • rename the app/javascript folder to frontend and modify webpacker config accordingly
  • create the frontend/components folder where you will put your component
  • create the frontend/components/index.js file that will list your components and import it in frontend/packs/application.js


Generate a new component with the component generator:

rails generate component button

Then, render it in your views with the component helper (or its alias c).

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component "button"
= c "button"

You can pass locals to the helper. They are accessible within the component partial, as instance variables.

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component "button", text: "My button"
/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

  = @text

The component also accepts a block. To render the block, just use the standard yield.

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component "button"
  span= "My button"
/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

  = yield

Each component comes with a Ruby module. You can use it to set properties:

# frontend/components/button/button_component.rb

module ButtonComponent
  property :href, required: true
  property :text, default: "My button"
/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

  = @text

If your partial becomes a too complex and you want to remove logic from it, you may want to define custom helpers in the ButtonComponent module:

# frontend/components/button/button_component.rb

module ButtonComponent
  property :href, required: true
  property :text, default: "My button"

  def external_link?
    @href.starts_with? "http"
/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

  = @text
  = " (external link)" if external_link?
/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component "button", text: "My button", href: ""


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 93.2%Language:HTML 5.1%Language:Shell 1.7%