profelis / utest

cross-platform unit testing system for Haxe

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utest is an easy to use unit testing library for Haxe. It works on all the supported platforms including nodejs.


Install is as easy as:

haxelib install utest


In your main method define the minimal instances needed to run your tests.

import utest.Runner;
import utest.ui.Report;

class TestAll {
  public static function main() {
    var runner = new Runner();
    runner.addCase(new TestCase());

TestCase doesn't need to implement anything special but needs to follow some conventions:

  • every test case method must be public and prefixed with test.
  • if the class provides public methods named setup and/or teardown they will be executed before and/or after each test case method.
import utest.Assert;

class TestCase {
  var field : String;
  public function new() {};

  public function setup() {
    field = "some";

  public function testFieldIsSome() {
    Assert.equals("some", field);

  public function teardown() {
    field = null; // not really needed

Async tests

Creating an asynchronous test is easy:

public function testAsync() {
  var done = Assert.createAsync(); // optionally pass a time in ms to define a max timeout
  // do your async goodness and remember to call `done()` at the end.
  haxe.Timer.delay(function() {
    Assert.isTrue(true); // put a sensible test here
  }, 50);

Note: Asynchronous tests work correctly for JS and Flash. The support for other platforms will be added ASAP.


Assert contains a plethora of methods to perform your tests:

isTrue(cond : Bool, ?msg : String, ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the condition is true.

cond The condition to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

isFalse(value : Bool, ?msg : String, ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the condition is false.

cond The condition to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

isNull(value : Dynamic, ?msg : String, ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the value is null.

value The value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

notNull(value : Dynamic, ?msg : String, ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the value is not null.

value The value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

is(value : Dynamic, type : Dynamic, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the 'value' parameter is of the of the passed type 'type'.

value The value to test

type The type to test against

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

notEquals(expected : Dynamic, value : Dynamic, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the value parameter is not the same as the expected one.

Assert.notEquals(10, age);

expected The expected value to check against

value The value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

equals(expected : Dynamic, value : Dynamic, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the value parameter is equal to the expected one.

Assert.equals(10, age);

expected The expected value to check against

value The value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

match(pattern : EReg, value : Dynamic, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Asserts successfully when the value parameter does match against the passed EReg instance.

Assert.match(~/x/i, "Haxe");

pattern The pattern to match against

value The value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

floatEquals(expected : Float, value : Float, ?approx : Float, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Same as Assert.equals but considering an approximation error.

Assert.floatEquals(Math.PI, value);

expected The expected value to check against

value The value to test

approx The approximation tollerance. Default is 1e-5

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

same(expected : Dynamic, value : Dynamic, ?recursive : Bool, ?msg : String, ?pos : PosInfos)

Check that value is an object with the same fields and values found in expected. The default behavior is to check nested objects in fields recursively.

Assert.same({ name : "utest"}, ob);

expected The expected value to check against

value The value to test

recursive States whether or not the test will apply also to sub-objects. Defaults to true

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

raises(method:Void -> Void, ?type:Class<Dynamic>, ?msgNotThrown : String , ?msgWrongType : String, ?pos : PosInfos)

It is used to test an application that under certain circumstances must react throwing an error. This assert guarantees that the error is of the correct type (or Dynamic if non is specified).

Assert.raises(function() { throw "Error!"; }, String);

method A method that generates the exception.

type The type of the expected error. Defaults to Dynamic (catch all).

msgNotThrown An optional error message used when the function fails to raise the expected exception. If not passed a default one will be used

msgWrongType An optional error message used when the function raises the exception but it is of a different type than the one expected. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing. @todo test the optional type parameter

allows<T>(possibilities : Array<T>, value : T, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Checks that the test value matches at least one of the possibilities.

possibility An array of mossible matches

value The value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

contains<T>(match : T, values : Array<T>, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Checks that the test array contains the match parameter.

match The element that must be included in the tested array

values The values to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

notContains<T>(match : T, values : Array<T>, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Checks that the test array does not contain the match parameter.

match The element that must NOT be included in the tested array

values The values to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.

stringContains(match : String, value : String, ?msg : String , ?pos : PosInfos)

Checks that the expected values is contained in value.

match the string value that must be contained in value

value the value to test

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it

fail(msg = "failure expected", ?pos : PosInfos)

Forces a failure.

msg An optional error message. If not passed a default one will be used

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it unless you know what you are doing.


Creates a warning message.

msg A mandatory message that justifies the warning.

pos Code position where the Assert call has been executed. Don't fill it

createAsync(?f : Void -> Void, ?timeout : Int)

Creates an asynchronous context for test execution. Assertions should be included in the passed function.

public function assertAsync() {
  var async = Assert.createAsync(function() Assert.isTrue(true));
  haxe.Timer.delay(async, 50);

f A function that contains other Assert tests

timeout Optional timeout value in milliseconds.

createEvent<EventArg>(f : EventArg -> Void, ?timeout : Int)

Creates an asynchronous context for test execution of an event like method. Assertions should be included in the passed function. It works the same way as Assert.assertAsync() but accepts a function with one argument (usually some event data) instead of a function with no arguments

f A function that contains other Assert tests

timeout Optional timeout value in milliseconds.


cross-platform unit testing system for Haxe


Language:Haxe 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%