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Comparison of JS state management libraries and frameworks

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~50 State Management Libraries & Frameworks

You can manage your state with React local state (setState), hooks and context, but often that's not ideal for complex applications. So far the most common choice for state management there has been Redux, but there are many other alternatives. Inspired by various posts about the state of state management in JavaScript, we decided to compile a thorough list of options and compare them in the categories we care about.

Explanation of columns:

  • GitHub stars - we're using this as a rough measure of popularity. We know it's not perfect, and it might become out of date with time. We also considered using NPM downloads, GitHub "used by" or watchers, etc., but this was the simplest way to start.
  • TypeScript support - we care about TypeScript. Most libraries that offer good support for it will mention it in their README or docs, and that's what we looked at to fill this column.
  • Performance - we didn't run and test performance for all of these, so this is also based on what they say in their documentation. Other people have benchmarked different frameworks, for example here.
  • API Complexity - the APIs vary from simple and easy to learn, to complex and full of boilerplate. At the moment this field will often link to the API documentation that you can check for yourself, but we are working on filling it in more directly. For now, we're adding a couple broad categories: simple, medium and complex. These are a little bit subjective, so let us know if you disagree.
  • Abstract Concepts - this is a list of concepts you'll need to learn to use this framework.
  • Extensibility - how easy is it to customize and extend the framework with either middleware, plugins or otherwise?
  • Devtools - does the framework come with its own developer tools, loggers, or integrate with existing (usually Redux) developer tools?
  • Time travel - do the devtools offer time travel functionality? If you're not familiar with this, you can check the Redux example here).
  • Automation - TBD

This table is roughly ordered by number of GitHub stars, but we’ve also grouped some related libraries together, for example different MobX variations. If any field is enclosed in "double quotes", it's a quote taken directly from their README or docs.

To see how Prodo compares, see our README.


There's a lot of information to keep track of here, so it's entirely possible we got something wrong, or it went out of date. If you spot a mistake, or want to add a new entry to the table, please make a PR! We welcome comments and suggestions.

Comparison Table

Compiled in October 2019. A version of this page with a table you can filter is here.

Framework/Library Notes Link GitHub Stars TypeScript support Performance API Complexity Abstract concepts Extensibility Devtools Time travel Automation
Redux ( 51k (18.2k) (yes, but adds a fair bit of boilerplate/effort) Complex ( actions, action creators, reducers, store, dispatch, thunk, saga, observable… Middleware yes
MobX ( 20.7k (3.9k) not mentioned Not discussed much in docs; a bit worse than Redux in (looking at react-mobx, not mobx-jsx) Complex ( decorators, observable state, computed values, reactions, actions not mentioned no
MobX State Tree different from MobX 4.8k “Typescript typings are included in the packages.” "If you have a performance critical application that handles a huge amount of mutable data, you will probably be better off by using 'raw' MobX…” Complex ( tree, node, type, state, model, actions, views Supports MobX DevTools, Reactotron or Redux yes
Parket heavily isnpired by mobx-state-tree, but smaller 408 not mentioned not mentioned Medium? (heavily inspired by mobx-state-tree, but smaller) proxies, symbols, decorators, observe, connect, unistore not mentioned no no
Remx opinionated MobX 113 not mentioned talks about MobX but not specifically this library Relatively simple ( implements redux (flux) architecture in MobX, state, getters, setters, connect no maybe MobX? + logger/debugger no
Unstated 6.9k not mentioned much, some types exist not mentioned “Simple” container, subscribe, provider not mentioned debugger: no
Unstated-next 1.5k written in typescript Claims to be faster than Redux in the docs Based on hooks, so should be easy to learn container, hooks not mentioned no? no
Constate hooks + context 2.1k has an example not mentioned Simple ( hooks, context not mentioned no no
Unistore 2.6k not mentioned not mentioned Simple ( store, actions not mentioned Supports Redux devtools extension ?
Stockroom Unistore in a worker 1.6k not mentioned not mentioned much (performance demo) Simple ( unistore, worker, stockroom module not mentioned no (although can use Redux devtools extension for Unistore?) no
React Copy Write 1.8k not mentioned not mentioned Simple immer, immutable state, mutate, optimized selector not mentioned no no
Redux Zero 1.8k not mentioned Simple store, actions, no reducers Yes + integrates with Redux DevTools ?
Fr(e)actal 1.7k not mentioned not mentioned Medium ( provideState, injectState, effects, intermediate state, computed values, multiple states not mentioned no no
Easy React State 1.6k not mentioned "It performs a bit better than MobX and similarly to Redux.” ( Simple store, view not mentioned no no
Reworm 1.4k has typings not mentioned Simple provider, get & set, selector, subscribe not mentioned no no
Undux 1.3k “Complete type-safety, no exceptions” not mentioned Simple (get, set) store, container, effects, subscriptions = Rx observables Plugins Logger + Supports Redux DevTools extension yes
Microstates composable state primitives ( 1.3k (45) (different composable / transpilation free type system) not mentioned Medium - complex microstates, transitions, state machines not mentioned no no
Apollo Link State now in Apollo Client core 1.4k Apollo provides tools to generate types Medium ( no
React automata + setState 1.2k not mentioned not mentioned Simple - medium ( state machines, xstate, transition, Action, State not mentioned Can connect to Redux DevTools Extension (if using with Redux?) ?
Storeon 1.1k "Storeon delivers TypeScript declaration which allows to declare type of state and optionally declare types of events and parameter." "Fast. It tracks what parts of state were changed and re-renders only components based on the changes." Simple - medium store, events, init, dispatch, changed, hooks - useStoreon, connect not mentioned Logger + "supports debugging with Redux DevTools Extension" no
Overmind 680 "Overmind is written in Typescript and it is written with a focus on you dedicating as little time as possible to help Typescript understand what your app is all about.” (they don’t talk about perfomance much) Medium ( state, actions, effects, operators not mentioned yes no
Dob 651 not mentioned not mentioned Simple - medium proxy, decorators: observable, inject, Connect, Action not mentioned (also can bind to redux?) no
Statty 519 not mentioned not mentioned Simple ( Provider, State, selector, updater not mentioned no no
SatchelJS to use with React, add MobX 339 Written in TypeScript, examples assume it “Satchel enables a very performant UI, only rerendering the minimal amount necessary. MobX makes UI updates very efficient by automatically detecting specifically what components need to rerender for a given state change.” Medium store, observer decorator, action creator, dispatch, murator, orchestrator, mutatorAction not mentioned maybe MobX? no
ReComponent reducer components 269 “Comes with TypeScript definitions built-in.” not mentioned Relatively simple ( reducer components, effects not mentioned no no
React Recollect similar to react-easy-state 250 not mentioned Medium ( immutable store, collect, selector, updater not mentioned debugger no
Controllerim 196 not mentioned “Controllerim utilizes Mobx behind the scenes for all the performance boosts (Memoizes values, calculates dependencies and renders only when trully needed)” Simple - medium ( controller, observer not mentioned maybe MobX? no
Laco 162 not mentioned not mentioned Medium (, inspired by redux and unstated) inferno, store, actions, subscribe Partially supports Redux devTools and React Native debugger yes
Reatom 147 "static typed: best type inferences" "performant updates for partial state changes" Medium - complex ( atom, action, store, dispatch, subscribe, observable, no no
Pure Store 102 “It also works excellently with typescript.” not mentioned “Simple” store, update, subscribe not mentioned no no
Tiny Atom 90 not mentioned “highly optimised with batched rerenders” “tiny api - easy to understand, easy to adapt” ( atom, actions, async actions, connect, provider, consumer, updater, custom evolve hook Logger + Redux DevTools integration
Alfa 80 not mentioned “Fast – Alfa wraps your components with a thin layer. It introduces little to no performance impacts.” “Only 4 functions/APIs to learn” ( inject, subscribe, provide, actions, dynamic keys, store not mentioned no no
Reim 79 “Typing support for Typescript & Flow” not mentioned Simple - medium immer, immutable state, store, snapshot, actions, State not mentioned Supports Redux Dev Tools ?
React Recontext 78 not mentioned not mentioned Simple ( store, provider, actions, action creators, connect, dispatch not mentioned Logger no
Pullstate 75 "Built with Typescript, providing a great dev experience if you're using it too.” not mentioned Simple store, update, subscriptions, reactions, async actions, immer not mentioned no no
Prodo 67 "First class support for TypeScript" "Blazingly fast re-rendering" "Absolutely minimal boilerplate" model, store, watch, dispatch, actions WIP TBD
Dakpan 64 “TypeScript types come bundled” not mentioned Relatively simple ( hooks, actions not mentioned no no
Hookstate 44 "First-class Typescript support. Complete type inferrence for any complexity of structures of managed state data. Full intellisense support tested in VS Code.” “Incredible performance based on unique method for tracking of used/rendered and updated state segments.” ( …) Medium global, local and scoped state no no
ClearX 40 not mentioned not mentioned "ClearX has a familiar API." ( store, paths, not mentioned no no
Refnux 36 not mentioned not mentioned Simple - medium like redux but functions instead of reducers not mentioned no no
Stator 26 not mentioned not mentioned “Intuitive, Small API: Similar to React's, with no boilerplate necessary” store, subscriptions Middleware no no
Hez 21 not mentioned not mentioned Medium store, actions, hooks not mentioned no no
Sunfish 17 not mentioned “Updating React can be expensive. Updates to state only happen when the developer deems it necessary.” "Sunfish has a fairly intuitive, functionaly driven api." ( transaction, pipe not mentioned no no
Elfi 16 not mentioned not mentioned Simple store, dispatch, subscribe Middleware Logger no

Some other state-related libraries that haven't made it into the table:


Comparison of JS state management libraries and frameworks


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