prodis / vsntool

Lightweight version number utility

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

vsntool - Lean-and-mean version bumping tool

The vsntool maintains git tags and a text file, VERSION, which tracks the current software's version number. It provides an easy method of bumping the major, mnior and patch versions of the software.


Copy the provided vsntool binary to somewhere in your path.


▶ vsntool

Running vsntool without arguments runs git describe --tags, which retrieves the last version number, but appended with a unique identifier which describes the current commit. This is handy in CI systems and development setups where you often want to build or release snapshots which contain no official version.

To retrieve the last released version, run:

▶ vsntool last

(which is equivalent to cat VERSION).

The default branch on which the releases are being tagged is master. To change this, change the environment variable VSN_BRANCH.

When vsntool is run on a non-release branch, the branch name is added to the version:

▶ git checkout develop
▶ vsntool


vsntool init initializes a VERSION file in a directory and ensures it has a git repository:

▶ mkdir ~/new-project; cd ~/new-project
▶ vsntool init
Initialized git repository
Version bump to 0.0.1 OK.

Version bumping

Once a repo has been initialized, you can use the bump_major, bump_minor and bump_patch commands to increase the version number:

▶ vsntool bump_patch
Version bump to 0.1.2 OK.

Note that vsntool will refuse to tag a commit twice:

▶ vsntool bump_patch
Current commit is already tagged (0.1.2)

To release a new version, do another commit before doing another version bump.

Usage in Elixir projects

Tracking your Elixir project's version number is easy; in your mix.exs file, you don't hardcode the version number but instead read it from the VERSION file:

  def project do
      app: :myproject,

This file is evaluated at compile time, so there is no runtime dependency on the existence of the VERSION file.

When releasing your library as dependency, do not forget to add the VERSION file to the list of to-be-packaged files:

  defp package do
      files: ["lib", "mix.exs", "*.md", "LICENSE", "VERSION"],

Usage with docker

Build the current project and tag it with the correct version:

▶ docker build . -t organisation/projectname:$(vsntool)

Bash / zsh completion

To enable command completion, add the following to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc:

complete -W "init bump_major bump_minor bump_patch last" vsntool


vsntool is an Elixir project, but builds as an escript, a self-contained binary. To build it, run:

# mix

Happy versioning!

To do

  • Improve error reporting, error messages (stop using :os.cmd)
  • Add support for release-candidate-like versions (1.0.0-rc1)


Lightweight version number utility


Language:Elixir 99.2%Language:Makefile 0.8%