This package implements a lightweight compatibility layer for using distributions from Distributions.jl in Gen.jl.
using GenDistributions
using Distributions
using Gen
# Arguments are:
# * A function taking parameters to Distributions.jl distributions
# * A tuple of Bools indicating whether Zygote should differentiate the logpdf
# function w.r.t. each parameter
# * A Bool indicating whether Zygote should differentiate the logpdf w.r.t.
# the sampled value
# * The output Julia type of the distribution.
# E.g.:
const dirichlet = DistributionsBacked(alpha -> Dirichlet(alpha), (true,), true, Vector{Float64})
const flip = DistributionsBacked(p -> Bernoulli(p), (true,), false, Bool)
# Using within Gen:
@gen function pick()
x ~ dirichlet(ones(10))
y ~ categorical(x)
return (x, y)