prncevince / hugo-setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hugo Setup

Commitizen friendly lerna

A Hugo setup using Lerna & Netlify CMS. This is a monorepo that builds/serves my website.


|--dist/                // what gets published
|  |--.git/
|  |--themes/
|  |  |--theme-1/
|  |  |  |--.git
|  |  |--theme-n/
|  |  |  |--.git
|  |--cms/
|  |  |--.git
|  |  |--package.json
|  |--app-1/
|  |  |--.git
|  |  |--package.json
|  |--app-n/
|  |  |--.git
|  |  |--package.json

Install & Setup

  1. Clone the repo and its submodues:
  • git clone --recurse-submodules
  1. Install npm packages and setup:
  • npm install
    • This installs the root repo npm packages.
    • Next, npm run postinstall sequentially runs top to bottom the npm scripts:
      • setup:husky - sets up husky Git hooks
      • setup:repo installs the Lerna "leaf" packages' dependencies & devDependencies.
        • The dependencies and devDependencies shared across packages are "hoisted" using the --hoist flag
      • setup:hooks & setup:hooks:site respectively add the hook path as the root ./.husky/ for all submodules

Configuring New Submodules

Typically, this is done with a few manual steps. Instead, we've boiled this down to a single npm script submodule.

Replace app-n with name of ./packages/app-n path and remote with remote ssh git repository path:

  • npm run submodule --app=app-n --remote=remote


This just documents what the above does.

Adds New Submodule to Monorepo

  • submodule:remote - registers ./packages/app-n as submodule - clones remote repository to path if it does not exists
    • git submodule add git@remote-url.git ./packages/app-n
  • submodule:absorb - stores .git/ content of submodule in top level .git/ directory
    • git submodule absorbgitdirs packages/pkg-submodule

Configures Git Hooks for Submodules

  • submodule:hooks - This is what setup:hooks does - but for a single repo
    • lerna exec --scope $npm_config_app git config core.hooksPath ../../.husky

To run manually.

  • npm run submodule:hooks --app=app-n

To run even more manually:

  • cd ./packages/pkg-submodule
  • git config core.hooksPath ../../.husky



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