prkhrv / prkhrv

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hola, I'm Prakhar Varshney! 👋

/ Hi there, I'm a software engineer who \
\ loves to code and create cool things! /
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Prakhar's Twitter Prakhar's Linkdein Prakhar's Github

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on A lot of Private Repos.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning TypeScript.
  • 💬 Ask me about Flutter or any tech related stuff.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I spend almost 12 hours listening songs everyday.

Languages and Tools:
C# Dart Kotlin Java JavaScript Solidity Swift TypeScript Python AWS Firebase Vercel Netlify Heroku Google Cloud Flutter Django DjangoREST NPM NodeJS React Vuetify Xamarin Vue.js TailwindCSS Redux Gatsby FastAPI Express.js MongoDB MySQL Postgres SQLite Realm Affinity Designer Canva Figma Gradle Postman Notion Swagger Terraform Docker

Watch my contribution graph get eaten by the snake 🐍

prkhrv snake gif

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