prkat / adversarial_instrument_classification

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Adversarial Examples

This is the code for the technical report End-to-End Adversarial White Box Attacks on Music Instrument Classification (Institute for Computational Perception, JKU Linz). To view our supplementary material, including listening examples, look at our Github page.

To use this repository, please make sure to adapt the paths in adversarial_ml/utils/ accordingly, in particular the path pointing to the data (d_path), and to the csv files containing the labels (csv_path).


For details on the versions of the libraries we used, please view adversarial_ml/requirements.txt. The tested Python version is 3.7.3. If conda is available, a new environment can be created and the necessary libraries installed via

conda create -n ad_env python==3.7.3 pip
conda activate ad_env
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Setup

The data we use is a part of the curated train set of the FSDKaggle2019 [1, 2] data. More precisely, we use the 799 files that have one single of 12 different musical labels (see adversarial_ml/data/data_utils) for more information on these labels.

To be able to run this code, download the curated data, and make sure to set the d_path in adversarial_ml/ correctly, pointing to the extracted directory. After downloading the data, you might want to re-sample it to 16kHz (e.g. with torchaudio.transforms.Resample), as we used 16kHz to train the given pre-trained model. Additionally, we need the labels which are available in train_curated_post_competition.csv (and test_post_competition.csv); for this, please set the csv_path to point to these files.

Project Structure

The basic structure of this project should look like this:

├── adversarial_ml
│   ├── attacks
│   ├── baselines
│   ├── data
│   ├── evaluation
│   └── utils
├── misc
│   ├── pre_trained
│   └── supplementary_material
├── index.html
└── requirements.txt

In the sub-folder aversarial_ml the code can be found. The sub-directories are:

  • attacks, contains the targeted methods C&W and Multi-Scale C&W,
  • baselines, contains the untargeted methods FGSM and PGDn,
  • data contains any kind of data handling (e.g. datasets),
  • evaluation contains functions that help to evaluate the adversarial attacks,
  • and utils contains our model architecture and all kind of utils.

The folder misc/pre_trained contains the trained CNN that we attack; in misc/supplementary_material the supplementary material of above described technical report is located (including hearing examples and confusion matrices of the system after various attacks).

Adversarial examples will be stored in misc/adversaries, and according logging-files in misc/logs.

Run Experiments

FGSM: To run this untargeted attack, define parameters in adversarial_ml/baselines/fgsm_config.txt. Then, you can run the python script, e.g. with

python3 -m adversarial_ml.baselines.fgsm

PGDn: The second untargeted attack can be run similarly. First, define parameters in adversarial_ml/baselines/pgdn_config.txt, and run the python script from command line with e.g.

python3 -m adversarial_ml.baselines.pgdn

C&W and Multi-Scale C&W: Both targeted attacks can be performed by running

python3 -m adversarial_ml.attacks.targeted_attack

To modify the parameter setting, change the according parameters in adversarial_ml/attacks/attack_config.txt. You can switch between the two attacks by setting attack = cw or attack = mscw respectively; in addition to that, the target class can be modified to be either target = random or the name of a particular classs, e.g. target = accordion.


In order to evaluate your experiments, you can make use of functions provided in the adversarial_ml/evaluation directory:

  • allows you to plot confusion matrices;
  • and contains methods to compute accuracies, the SNR, confidences and iterations.


[1] Eduardo Fonseca, Manoj Plakal, Frederic Font, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Xavier Serra. (2020). FSDKaggle2019 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

[2] Eduardo Fonseca, Manoj Plakal, Frederic Font, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Xavier Serra. "Audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision". Proceedings of the DCASE 2019 Workshop, NYC, US (2019).


This work is supported by the Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF, P 31988).



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