priyanshus / pom-cucumber-protractor

Page object based protractor cucumber tests

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Page object based Cucumber with Protractor

To install the dependencies

Before installing the dependencies make sure you have node 4 or above running on your system. At the time of updating this readme, I am using v5.12.0 of node.

To install the dependencies issue the command npm install

To run the cucumber tests

To run cucumber tests you can issue below command:

node_modules/.bin/protractor cucumber.config.js


  • When I started using Protractor, I was considering everything asynchronous and was writing code with a lot of then blocks like this:
    openExploreToggleNavigation: {
        value: function () {
            var exploreToggleNavigationElement = element(by.css(selectors.exploreToggleNavigation)),
                democratesLinkElement = element(by.css(selectors.democratesLink));
                .then(function () {

Thanks to all who cleared confusion here angular/protractor#909. Actually you can write protractor tests in synchronous way considering the fact that protractor itself takes care of promises.

  • Next learning for me is that, no need to handle promises using callback in cucumber step-definitions files. You can simply return them using return statement.


Page object based protractor cucumber tests


Language:JavaScript 89.9%Language:Gherkin 10.1%