GA4GH Task Execution Schema (TES)
The Task Execution Schema (TES) project is an effort to define a standardized schema and API for describing batch execution tasks. A task defines a set of input files, a set of (Docker) containers and commands to run, a set of output files, and some other logging and metadata.
The schema and APIs is defined here in protocol buffers. Clients may use JSON and REST to communicate with a service implementing the TES API.
Create a task
Here's an example of a complete task message, defining a task which calculates an MD5 checksum on an input file and uploads the output:
"name": "MD5 example",
"description": "Task which runs md5sum on the input file.",
"project": "tes-example-project-id",
"tags": {
"custom-tag": "tag-value",
"inputs": [
"name": "infile",
"description": "md5sum input file",
"url": "/path/to/input_file",
"path": "/container/input",
"type": "FILE",
"outputs" : [
"url" : "/path/to/output_file",
"path" : "/container/output",
"resources" : {
"cpu_cores": 1,
"ram_gb": 1.0,
"size_gb": 100.0,
"preemptible": false,
"executors" : [
"image_name" : "ubuntu",
"cmd" : ["md5sum", "/container/input"],
"stdout" : "/container/output",
"stderr" : "/container/stderr",
"workdir": "/tmp",
A minimal version of the same task, including only the required fields looks like:
"inputs": [
"url": "/path/to/input_file",
"path": "/container/input",
"outputs" : [
"url" : "/path/to/output_file",
"path" : "/container/output",
"executors" : [
"image_name" : "ubuntu",
"cmd" : ["md5sum", "/container/input"],
"stdout" : "/container/output",
To create the task, send an HTTP POST request:
POST /v1/tasks
{ "id": "task-1234" }
The return value is a task ID.
Get a task
To get a task by ID:
GET /v1/tasks/task-1234
{ "id": "task-1234", "state": "RUNNING" }
The return value will be a minimal description of the task state.
To get more information, you can change the task view using the view
URL query parameter.
The basic
view will include all task fields except a few which might be
large strings (stdout/err logging, input parameter contents).
GET /v1/tasks/task-1234?view=BASIC
{ "id": "task-1234", "state": "RUNNING", "name": "MD5 example", etc... }
The full
view includes stdout/err logs and full input parameters:
GET /v1/tasks/task-1234?view=FULL
{ "id": "task-1234", "state": "RUNNING", "name": "MD5 example",
"logs": [{ "stdout": "stdout content..." }], etc... }
List tasks
To list tasks:
GET /v1/tasks
{ "tasks": [{ "id": "task-1234", "state": "RUNNING"}, etc...] }
Similar to getting a task by ID, you may change the task view:
GET /v1/tasks?view=BASIC
Cancel a task
To cancel a task, send an HTTP POST to the cancel endpoint:
POST /v1/tasks/task-1234:cancel