⚠️ Warning: Thereact-prisma
package is deprecated. You can now query your database directly from a React Server Component using Prisma Client.Refer to the javascript/rest-nextjs and typescript/rest-nextjs-api-routes to learn how you can use Prisma Client in React Server Components.
This is a fork of the official React Server Components Demo. You can learn more about how Prisma and React Server Components fit together in this video.
Instead of sending raw SQL queries, this repo uses Prisma as an ORM to communicate with the database. This approach has a number of benefits:
- More intuitive querying (no SQL knowledge required)
- Better developer experience (e.g. through autocompletion)
- Safer database queries (e.g. prevents SQL injections)
- Easier to query relations
- Human-readable data model + generated (but customizable) SQL migration scripts
Prisma | SQL |
// A database query sent with Prisma
const notes = prisma.note.findMany({
where: {
title: {
contains: searchText,
}); |
// A database query sent with plain SQL
const notes = db.query(
`select * from notes
where title ilike $1
order by id desc`,
['%' + searchText + '%']
).rows; |
This demo also uses a plain SQLite database file instead of requiring a PostgreSQL server. This enables you to explore the awesome benefits of Server Components without any additional setup.
git clone git@github.com:prisma/server-components-demo.git
cd server-components-demo
npm install
npm start
This demo features an experimental package, react-prisma
. You can see react-prisma
in action in src/NoteList.server.js
If you want to try this example with another database than SQLite, you can adjust the the database connection in prisma/schema.prisma
by reconfiguring the datasource
Learn more about the different connection configurations in the docs.
Expand for an overview of example configurations with different databases
For PostgreSQL, the connection URL has the following structure:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
Here is an example connection string with a local PostgreSQL database:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = "postgresql://janedoe:mypassword@localhost:5432/notesapi?schema=public"
For MySQL, the connection URL has the following structure:
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
Here is an example connection string with a local MySQL database:
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = "mysql://janedoe:mypassword@localhost:3306/notesapi"
Here is an example connection string with a local Microsoft SQL Server database:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlserver"
url = "sqlserver://localhost:1433;initial catalog=sample;user=sa;password=mypassword;"
Because SQL Server is currently in Preview, you need to specify the previewFeatures
on your generator
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["microsoftSqlServer"]
Prisma enables you to run migrations based on the declarative Prisma schema. Assume you want to add more functionality to the app and add a second table to the database to associate every note with an "author", here's the workflow that you can apply with Prisma.
First adjust the data model in prisma/schema.prisma
// prisma/schema.prisma
model Note {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
title String?
body String?
+ author User? @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
+ authorId Int?
+model User {
+ id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
+ name String?
+ email String @unique
+ notes Note[]
Then run the following command to create the new User
table and its relation to the Note
table in the database:
npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature
You can now read and write data into the User
table using Prisma as well:
// Create a new note
name: "Dan",
email: "dan@facebook.com",
notes: {
create: {
title: "I did not make ReactJS"
// Query all notes with their authors
include: {
author: true
Prisma Studio is a "database browser" that lets you view and edit the data in your database. You can either download it for your operating system or run the following command to run it in your browser:
npx prisma studio
Here's a screenshot of Prisma Studio that shows the seeded data:
This demo is MIT licensed.