prism4time / openvas-golang-lib

A golang library to connect and manage the OpenVAS servers . WIP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A golang library to connect and manage the OpenVAS servers using the OMP protocol.Currently I develop it with OpenVAS 7.


to install and use the lib,use

go get -u

to get the latest code,you may find the commit ID on master branch and copy it to command line, use

go get -u[latest-commit-id-here]

go mod tidy

supported API

currently it only supports task and target related API. And I will update it occasionally according to my needs.


a simple example(still empty now, please refer to the uint tests in the current repo


I may not respond immediately sometimes, you may mention me with @qzyse2017 in your comment and I will recieve a notification email from github


PRs welcome!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

How to contribute

basically I generate most of the commands related structs from xml example in openvas's omp docs. The tool is zek, and it has a handy online version you could use. The generated results may need some fixes, such as "omitempty" in json attribute.

and if you would like to add some new commands or fix some, I would appreciate it a lot.

following the conventions, you may need to extract some structs which show the meaningful entities in the command and use its pointer as an argument to call the commands related function.e.g. Target and CreateTarget




A golang library to connect and manage the OpenVAS servers . WIP

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%